EMBL Detector Instructions

1 General Instructions for EMBL detector

  • Cabling
    • External Orange Rack:
      • The trigger cable from the CCD camera should be unplugged and the short cable should be plugged into the BUSY port, as shown on Figure 1
      • Boa detector protection unit: that unit has a two-position switch (on its side, not at its front), to alternate between EMBL and CCD camera. Figure 2 shows what the indicators on that unit should look like when using the EMBL detector. Turn the switch accordingly to get this set up (only the green power on LED should be on). ATTENTION: if a red LED is on, press the reset button
      • When starting a new set-up, make sure to reset the histogram hardware, before starting the SICS server, by pressing the white button labeled Manual System Reset or the small rst button on the HM03-labelled unit.
      • Make sure that the high voltage (HV) switch is ON. Figure 3 indicates the position of that switch.
    • Internal Cable Panel:
      • Two cables on this panel should change position when switching from the CCD to the EMBL. Figure 4 shows what the correct EMBL connections are. Those are also labeled on the printed instructions located above the cable panel. If previously to mounting the EMBL detector, the CCD was used, then at the right-most panel cables 4 and 5 should be transfered to ports 7 and 8 respectively (also at the right-most side)
    • If chopper is used: when using a chopper, one needs to connect a chopper trigger cable, already located inside the BOA bunker. The end that connects to the chopper itself is found hanging near Table3 (with a blue tag with 'chopper trigger' written) and the other end (also labeled with a blue tag) that connects to the detector itself, is hanging near the 'cabling' panel on the wall of the bunker. Make sure to connect this end with one of the three yellow cables (Figure 5) that correspond to either of the Tables 4,5 or 6 (depending on where your detector is mounted).
  • Commands
    • Stop SICS: ssh boa@boa from local pc and do monit stop all
    • Change boa script: while still on boa machine, open file /home/boa/boasics/boa.tcl and uncomment the line source $scripthome/boamor.tcl (i.e. remove the # from the front of the line)
    • Chose a mode of use:
      • TOF MODE : on SICS do: hm genbin 10000 300 400 where the first argument is the delay (distance dependent), the second argument the time length of each channel (in tenths of microseconds) and the third argument the total numeber of channels
      • PSD mode : on SICS do: hm genbin 0 10000 2 (fixed command)
    • Initialize the monitor: on SICS do: hm init
    • Check detector: on SICS use hm list to check if the histogram has the specifications you asked for above
  • Troubleshooting
    • NOTE TO MAIN OPERATOR : you can access the histogram info via web, by visiting http://boahm after ssh-ing to boa@boa


Connect the short cable from ch4 to the BUSY port exactly to the right


Turn the BOA Detector Protection switch (located underneath the blue tape in this photo) to the right position. Only the green power on LED should be illuminated


The high voltage (HV) switch should be on (at 503V) for the monitor to operate


Cables 1-wagen6 and 2-wagen6 should be connected to ports 7 and 8 respectively to the right


The chopper trigger cable should be plugged into one of the 3 yellow-head cables (numbered 4, 5, and 6) depending on which table the detector is mounted on (4,5, or 6 respectively)

Date: 2015-05-07 13:50:05 CEST

Author: Emmanouela Rantsiou

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