Super-Resolution X-ray Microscopy unveils the buried secrets of the nanoworld

A novel super-resolution X-ray microscope developed by a team of researchers from the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) and EPFL in Switzerland combines the high penetration power of x-rays with high spatial resolution, making it possible for the first time to shed light on the detailed interior composition of semiconductor devices and cellular structures. The first super-resolution images from this novel microscope will be published online July 18, 2008 in the journal Science. “Researchers have been working on such super-resolution microscopy concepts for electrons and x-rays for many years,” says EPFL Professor and team leader Franz Pfeiffer. “Only the construction of a dedicated multi-million Swiss-franc instrument at PSI's Swiss Light Source allowed us to achieve the stability that is necessary to implement our novel method in practice.”

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Facility: SLS
High-Resolution Scanning X-Ray Diffraction Microscopy, by P. Thibault et al., Science, Vol 321 (2008).
Dr. Pierre Thibault, Postdoctoral Researcher
Paul Scherrer Institut, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland,
Prof. Dr. Franz Pfeiffer, Research Group Leader
Paul Scherrer Institut & EPFL, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland