iFAST WP11: Sustainable Concepts and Technologies (SCAT)

Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology

Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology

Part of Horizon2020 programme

The overall sustainability of an accelerator based research infrastructure is a complex theme. Due to the high energy demand of RIs the most prominent aspect is the efficient utilization of energy from the grid. The overall energy efficiency is enhanced by either improving the efficiencies of individual components in a facility, or by implementing optimized accelerator designs and concepts with improved system efficiency well matched to generate the desired secondary radiation or exotic particles in a collider facility. Besides energy efficiency there are also less obvious topics involved like water consumption, waste heat reuse, life cycle considerations on components and materials with environmental impact. The aim of this strategy work package is to promote developments on energy efficient and sustainable accelerator concepts, related technologies and strategies for operation. Within this work package two concrete hardware developments for energy efficient accelerator components will be performed, and meetings, workshops will be organized to foster networking on the topic of sustainability. The aim of the networking activities is to assess today’s standards, to develop suited metrics for measuring energy efficiency for the different types of research facilities, to identify the most promising directions of R&D and to formulate best practices for the construction of new facilities.

  • Identify new technologies and concepts to enhance energy efficiency and other sustainability aspects, including carbon footprint of RI’s, sustainable lifecycle management of components and the use of environmentally friendly materials. Trigger further developments in these fields.
  • Establish a network across institutions that succeeds in selecting and addressing the most relevant topics out of a diverse set of sustainability aspects.
  • Develop application-ready prototypes of energy efficient accelerator components in the key fields of magnets and RF sources
  • Organise and co-organise workshops related to the energy efficiency of particle accelerators
  • Design and build an industrial prototype of TH2167 klystron reaching 71% efficiency.
  • Design and build two advanced prototypes of high-field PM magnets with 10% tunability for the upgrade of DIAMOND light source.
  • Improve acceleration in superconducting structures with low losses

EC Horizon2020 Logo

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101004730.

- For the previous Horizon2020 Aries-EEM workpackage see: www.psi.ch/aries-eem
- For the previous EUCARD-2 EnEfficient workpackage see: www.psi.ch/enefficient