The Laboratory for Materials Simulations develops the theory, algorithms, software and data required for the study of advanced materials at PSI.
Lab News & Scientific Highlights
Mapping the ecosystem of Wannier Functions software
A new review article, just published in Reviews of Modern Physics and highlighted on the journal cover, provides a map to the vast landscape of software codes that allow researchers to calculate Wannier functions, and to use them for materials properties predictions. The authors, from all over Europe and the USA, include two PSI scientists. After providing readers with the theoretical foundations on Wannier functions and their calculation, together with intuitive graphical schematics to explain what Wannier functions are, the authors map the existing Wannier codes and the key applications.
New widgets and extensions expand the OSSCAR platform for educational notebooks in materials science
In a new article published in Computer Physics Communications, the team of the Open Software Services for Classrooms and Research project (OSSCAR) describes how to create custom widgets and extensions that can be used in interactive notebooks to teach computational materials science. The article also introduces two new entries in OSSCAR: a widget to display an interactive periodic table that allows users to group elements into different states, and one to plot and visualize electronic band structures and density of states.
Computational marathon matches the efficiency of the AiiDA platform with the power of Switzerland Alps supercomputer
A group of researchers from the LMS lab at PSI has conducted a "hero run" on the new Swiss supercomputer, occupying it entirely for about 20 hours with calculations managed remotely by the AiiDA software tools. The run demonstrated the efficiency and stability of AiiDA, that could seamlessly fill the entire capacity of an exascale machine, as well as the performance of the Alps supercomputer, that has been just inaugurated. All the results will soon be published on the Materials Cloud.
Upcoming Events
Uhrin M, Zadoks A, Binci L, Marzari N, Timrov I
Machine learning Hubbard parameters with equivariant neural networks
npj Computational Materials. 2025; 11(1): 19 (10 pp.).
Serra M, Antonatos N, Lajaunie L, Albero J, Garcia H, Weng M, et al.
A photodetector based on the non-centrosymmetric 2D pseudo-binary chalcogenide MnIn2Se4
Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 2025: (14 pp.).
Onuorah IJ, Bonacci M, Isah MM, Mazzani M, De Renzi R, Pizzi G, et al.
Automated computational workflows for muon spin spectroscopy
Digital Discovery. 2025; 4(2): 523-538.
Liu JC, Li C, Chahib O, Wang X, Rothenbühler S, Häner R, et al.
Spin excitations of high spin iron(II) in metal–organic chains on metal and superconductor
Advanced Science. 2024.
Bustamante CM, Sidler D, Ruggenthaler M, Rubio Á
The relevance of degenerate states in chiral polaritonics
Journal of Chemical Physics. 2024; 161(24): 244101 (9 pp.).