The PSI Laboratory for Sustainable Energy Carriers and Processes studies catalysts and materials for providing energy from CO2, biomass and waste.
In particular we focus
Lab News & Scientific Highlights
Comment les catalyseurs éliminent des oxydes d’azote dangereux
En catalyse industrielle, le fer n'est pas égal au fer.
Novel Photoresist Chemistry Enables Lithography Approaching Angstrom-Scale Resolution
Photoresist materials are crucial in the manufacturing of computer chips, where the circuits are initially printed in the photoresist using photolithography. As the demand for smaller and more precise circuitry in computer chips grows, photoresists must resolve features with smaller sizes and higher density.
Revolutionizing Renewable Processes: Ambizione Grant Winner Emanuele Moioli
Emanuele Moioli is one of the recipients of the prestigious Ambizione Grant awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) on a yearly basis. With the great news of his award having arrived in August 2022, Moioli embarks on the journey of his groundbreaking project titled “Moving catalyst vs. Multi-catalyst: determination of the best reactor for the processing of unconventional feedstock,” set to commence this August 2023.
Bisotti F, Moioli E, Manenti F
Screening kinetic models for CO2-to-methanol over CuO–ZnO–ZrO2–Al2O3 (CZZA) and CuO–ZnO–ZrO2 (CZZ): are they consistent with the experimental evidence? A critical review of the existing kinetic models and relevant literature on experimental characterization of copper-based catalysts for CO2-to-methanol process
Chemical Engineering Journal. 2025; 503: 158033 (12 pp.).
Burgay F, Salionov D, Singer T, Eichler A, Brütsch S, Jenk TM, et al.
Nontarget screening of a Siberian ice core reveals changes in the pre-industrial to industrial organic aerosol composition
Science Advances. 2025; 11(4): eadr1923 (12 pp.).
Calbry-Muzyka AS, Madi H, Thakur C, Rast D, Indlekofer J, Wieseler T, et al.
Adsorptive removal of dimethyl sulfide from biogas for solid oxide fuel cell applications
Fuel. 2025; 383: 133866 (15 pp.).