EPFL-PSI Professorship in Solid Waste Treatment


Chemical Processes and Materials

Our motto: Chemical Process for Materials and Materials for Chemical Processes

Fields of Expertise

We work in an interdisciplinary team consisting of Materials Scientists, Chemical and Mechanical Engineers, Chemists, Physicist and Biologists.

Recent Work

Recent work focused on the following topics

  • Recovery of rare earth elements and phosphorus from wastes and residues
  • Synthesis of nanomaterials for energy and waste technology applications
  • Using algal biomass for recycling nutrients from wastewater streams, and for the production of renewable biofuels, chemicals, and materials
  • Implementation of archaea as probiontic for waste, energy and medical applications
  • Develop analytical methods and tools to support waste and energy technology development

In this context we develop methods to perform fundamental investigation to study

  • sorption processes at the solid/gas and solid/liquid interface
  • quantity and chemical composition of nanoparticles in gases and fluids
  • nucleation, crystallization and formation of (nano-)particles in solutions

Admin. Assistant at PSI:
Gisela Herlein Schmutz
Mon, Tue, Thu

Admin. Assistant at EPFL:
Carole Loeffen Berthet 
Tue, Wed, Thu AM, Fri home office

Paul Scherrer Institut
Chemical Processes and Materials
5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland