Michał Rawlik awarded the CHIPP Prize 2019

Michał Rawlik (right) with Prof. Gino Isidori (University of Zurich), Chair of the Selection Committee. (Photo: Swiss Physical Society)

With the CHIPP Prize, the Swiss Institute of Particle Physics (CHIPP) rewards every year outstanding PhD student in Experimental or Theoretical Particle Physics. In the evaluation emphasis is given to the quality of PhD scientific and to its relevance within the student's research group, as well as to novel ideas brought up by the candidate.

Michał Rawlik received the 2019 award for his PhD thesis "Active Magnetic Shielding and Axion-Dark-Matter Search", which was supervised by Prof. Klaus Kirch (LTP and ETH Zurich). The CHIPP Prize jury decided to award the prize to Rawlik "for his outstanding contribution to the improvement of experimental techniques aimed at detecting the Electric Dipole Moment of the neutron, and exploiting the consequences of such measurements in setting bounds on possible Axion fields".

The award was presented at the Joint Annual Meeting of the Swiss Physical Society (SPS) and the Austrian Physical Society (ÖPG) in Zurich. Further information, pictures and a video portrait of Michał Rawlik can be found here.