Phosphorus recovery from wastewater: Nitrogen K-edge micro-XANES spectroscopy unravels the effects of nitrification inhibitor on fertilizer phosphorus uptake of maize

Pot experiment with maize for different fertilizers (left). A carbon (green), nitrogen (red) and oxygen (blue) µ-XRF map of a soil sample from the pot experiment (right).

Phosphorous is a main component in fertilizers, which are essential to feeding the growing population on earth.  Because phosphate rock and phosphorus (P) have become a scarce resource in the European Union, recovering P from wastewater and sewage sludge has become extremely important. However, the plant availability of these novel recycling P fertilizers is often lower than that of commercial P fertilizers. One promising way to increase the plant availability of P fertilizer is co-fertilization with nitrogen (N) in the form of ammonium and nitrification inhibitors, which can enhance the yield and P uptake of plants. To investigate the nitrification inhibitor effect, we performed a pot experiment with maize and several P fertilizers and an ammonium sulfate nitrate with or without a nitrification inhibitor. By applying the novel N K-edge micro-XRF and micro-XANES methods at the PHOENIX beamline on the soils from the pot experiment we verified that a nitrification inhibitor promotes ammonium fixation in fertilized soils. Thus, the delay in the nitrification process by the nitrification inhibitor and the possible slow-release of temporarily fixed ammonium in the soil resulted in a high amount of plant available ammonium in the soil solution. This development probably decreases the rhizosphere pH due to release of H+ by plants during ammonium uptake, which mobilizes phosphorus in the amended soil and increases the dry matter yield of maize. In particular, this is important for water insoluble apatite-based recycling P fertilizers, which are not directly plant available, and make these P fertilizers more competitive to commercial phosphate rock-based P fertilizers.

Dr. Christian Vogel
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM)
Telephone: +493081044494
Dr. Thomas Huthwelker
Swiss Light Source
Paul Scherrer Institut

Forschungsstrasse 111, CH-5232 Villigen PSI
Telephone: +41 56 310 53 14
Original Publication
Effects of a nitrification inhibitor on nitrogen species in the soil and the yield and phosphorus uptake of maize
Christian Vogel, Ryo Sekine, Jianyin Huang, Daniel Steckenmesser, Diedrich Steffens,
Thomas Huthwelker, Camelia N. Borca, Ana E. Pradas del Real, Hiram Castillo-Michel, Christian Adam
Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 715, 136895