The PSI Laboratory for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry studies functioning catalysts for energy conversion and storage as well as for sustainable chemicals conversion.
Lab News & Scientific Highlights
Watch them growing: New mechanistic insights into catalytic methane coupling
Methane valorization is a promising technology to utilize this platform compound to produce aromatics and hydrocarbons. Researchers from PSI and ETH Zürich unveiled this reaction mechanism and observed the molecular growth from the ground up. Besides stepwise CH3 addition, novel routes involving the dimerization of resonantly stabilized propargyl (C3H3) radicals to benzene (C6H6) were identified. These mechanistic insights will aid the development of valorisation strategies.
The dynamics of overlayer formation on catalyst nanoparticles and strong metal-support interaction
The editors at Nature Communications have put together an Editors’ Highlights webpage of recent research called “Catalysis” and chose to feature Arik Beck's et al. article, entitled “The dynamics of overlayer formation on catalyst nanoparticles and strong metal-support interaction”.
PUBLISHED IN NATURE: A stable low-temperature H2-production catalyst by crowding Pt on α-MoC
Platinum isolated atoms and clusters supported on molybdenum carbide have been extensively characterized. The presence of both species is essential to boost the stability, so that the catalysts displays high metal-normalized turnover number of 4,300,000 moles of hydrogen per mole of platinum
Usoltsev O, Stoian D, Skorynina A, Kozyr E, Njoroge PN, Pellegrini R, et al.
Restructuring of palladium nanoparticles during oxidation by molecular oxygen
Small. 2024; 20(42): 2401184 (11 pp.).
Beck A, Newton MA, van de Water LGA, van Bokhoven JA
The enigma of methanol synthesis by Cu/ZnO/Al2O3-based catalysts
Chemical Reviews. 2024; 124(8): 4543-4678.
Rzepka P, Sheptyakov D, Wang C, van Bokhoven JA, Paunović V
How micropore topology influences the structure and location of coke in zeolite catalysts
ACS Catalysis. 2024; 14(8): 5593-5604.