The Coherent X-ray Scattering (CXS) group develops techniques in scanning- and time-resolved SAXS and high-resolution scanning X-ray microscopy at the cSAXS beamline. In collaboration with research groups, within PSI and international universities and research institutes, we apply these techniques to a wide range of problems in the fields of biology, biomedical research and materials science.
We will open position at cSAXS for small-angle scattering tensor tomography in combination with ptychographic tomography. Contact us for details.
Scientific Highlights
Nouveau record mondial de rayons X: scruter l’intérieur d’une puce informatique avec une résolution de 4 nanomètres
Avec une résolution record de 4 nanomètres, des chercheurs du PSI sont parvenus à reproduire la structure spatiale d'une puce informatique à l'aide de rayons X.
Nanoimaging Reveals Topological Textures in Nanoscale Crystalline Networks
X-ray nano-tomography reveals collective behavior in synthetic self-assembled nanostructures. The new method opens opportunities for the synthesis of photonic and plasmonic materials with improved long-range ordering.
A deep look into hydration of cement
Researchers led by the University of Málaga show the Portland cement early age hydration with microscopic detail and high contrast between the components. This knowledge may contribute to more environmentally friendly manufacturing processes.