The Coherent X-ray Scattering (CXS) group develops techniques in scanning- and time-resolved SAXS and high-resolution scanning X-ray microscopy at the cSAXS beamline. In collaboration with research groups, within PSI and international universities and research institutes, we apply these techniques to a wide range of problems in the fields of biology, biomedical research and materials science.
We will open position at cSAXS for small-angle scattering tensor tomography in combination with ptychographic tomography. Contact us for details.
Scientific Highlights
Mapping the Nanoscale Architecture of Functional Materials
A new X-ray technique reveals the 3D orientation of ordered material structures at the nanoscale, allowing new insights into material functionality.
Nouveau record mondial de rayons X: scruter l’intérieur d’une puce informatique avec une résolution de 4 nanomètres
Avec une résolution record de 4 nanomètres, des chercheurs du PSI sont parvenus à reproduire la structure spatiale d'une puce informatique à l'aide de rayons X.
Nanoimaging Reveals Topological Textures in Nanoscale Crystalline Networks
X-ray nano-tomography reveals collective behavior in synthetic self-assembled nanostructures. The new method opens opportunities for the synthesis of photonic and plasmonic materials with improved long-range ordering.