Colloquium in Environmental Science 2024

Held on select Thursdays from 11.00 to 12.00h in person at PSI with an option to join online

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Date and locationSpeakerTopic
Thursday 22 February, OFLG/402Federico Bianchi (Helsinki)Chasing pre-industrial aerosol: Where are we and where do we go?
Thursday 21 March, OFLG/402Ali Hoshyaripour (KIT)Impacts of aerosol processes and interactions on photovoltaic generation
Thursday 28 March, OFLG/402Catherine Larose (Grenoble)Microorganisms in frozen environments: understanding colonization, communities and interactions using DNA
Thursday 9 April, OFLG/402Andy Ault (Michigan)Dropping Acid in the Atmosphere: Is it just a phase?
Thursday 18 April, OHSA/E13Christian George (Lyon)Spontaneous interfacial oxidant formation as a key driver for aerosol oxidation
Thursday 23 May, OHSA/E13Frank Burgay (PSI)Non-target screening analysis on ice and snow samples: a new opportunity to enhance our understanding on past and present atmospheric aerosol composition 
Thursday 13 June, OHSA/E13Kees de Hoogh (Swiss TPH)Novel methods for exposure modelling to assess the external urban exposome
Thursday 26 September, OHSA/E13Hendrik Fuchs (Julich)Gas-phase radical chemistry
Thursday 31 October, OHSA/E13Timofei Sukhodolov (pmod/WRC)Exploring the chemical and climatic impacts of solid particles for stratospheric solar geoengineering
Thursday 28 November, OHSA/E13Chiara Giorio (Cambridge)Coordination chemistry in atmospheric aerosols: effects on metal solubility, dissolution kinetics, and health
Thursday 12 December, OHSA/E13Stefan Reimann (Empa)30 years of VOC measurements and analyses in Switzerland