Test facilities
- Battery test facilities for up to 300 cell
- CO2-electrolysis test bench for pressure up to 5 bar
- Fuel cell test facilities for power dissipation up to 35 kW
- High-pressure water electrolysis test bench for pressure up to 100 bar
- Tensile testing (Materials Tester Zwick/Roell Z005)
- Water electrolysis test benches for pressure up to 20 bar and 200 A power supply
In situ/operando analytical tools
- Combined Raman and FTIR Microscope (HORIBA Jobin Yvon) with electrochemical cells
- Differential Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry (DEMS)
- Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for up to 80 A DC current (Biologic)
- Electrochemical X-ray absorption spectroscopy (in collaboration with SuperXAS / Phoenix Beamline at SLS) with electrochemical cell
- FTIR/ATR Spectrometer (Bruker Vertex 70v) with electrochemical cell
- Gas analyzer for CO2 (California Instruments) using NDIR with range of to 0.1 and 1 %
- Gas chromatography for online gas analysis
- Helox/Oxygen gain measurements with Pulsed Gas Analysis (PGA)
- Mass Spectrometry for online gas analysis
- Neutron Diffraction (in collaboration with HRPT Beamline at SINQ) with electrochemical cell
- Neutron Imaging (in collaboration with NEUTRA and ICON Beamlines at SINQ)
- Small Angle X-say scattering (in collaboration with SuperXAS and cSAXS beamlines at SLS) with electrochemical flow cell and fuel cell
- X-ray diffraction (in-house and in collaboration with Material Science Beamline at SLS)
- X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (Escalab 220i XL) for solid state batteries with electrochemical cell
- X-Ray Tomographic Microscopy (in-house using GE Nanotom m and in collaboration with Tomcat Beamline at SLS) with electrochemical cells
Standard analytical tools
- Automatic titrators (Metrohm Titrino) for potentiometric titrations (e.g., acid-base, redox, chloride)
- Broad Ion beam sample preparation for SEM with cross-sectiona nd plannar milling capabilities Hitachi
- Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) instrument, Agilent 5110
- In-plane and through-plane membrane conductivity cell (Scribner)
- Ion chromatography (Metrohm)
- Karl Fischer Test (Water content determination)
- Optical microscopes
- Oxygen gas sensor educatec 0-27 % +/- 1% (GDX O2 sensor with Bluetooth interface)
- Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM/EDX/STEM) with Broad Ion Beam Sample Preparation
- Small Angle X-ray Scattering/X-ray diffraction (SAXS/XRD, Rigaku)
- Standard electrochemical equipment (CV, EIS, RRDE, galvanostatic charge/discharge)
- TGA and DSC calorimetric analysis
- X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (Escalab 220i XL)
- Catalyst synthesis facilities
- Hot press
- Infrastructure for non-aqueous electrochemistry (glove box, electrochemical cells)
- Lab coater for active layer preparation from component slurries
- Lab coater for film and membrane solution casting (~A5 size)
- Membrane preparation by radiation grafting (area 16 x 14 cm2)
- Rotary evaporatorRotatory mixer with the possibility to apply vacuum (Thinky)
- Schlenk lines
- Standard and high-power (horn) sonicators
- Ultrasonic spray deposition (for catalyst coated membranes)
- Various vacuum ovens, convection oven