- Topological insulators and superconductors.
- Single molecule magnets, nano-magnets and molecular magnets.
- Properties of surfaces, thin films and interfaces and finite size effects.
- Magnetism and superconductivity.
Education and research positions
2009- |
Research Scientist |
Low Energy Muons Group, Laboratory for Muon-Spin Spectroscopy, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. |
2006-2009 |
Postdoctoral Research Assistant |
Department of Physics, Oxford University- UK, in collaboration with Prof. S. J. Blundell and Dr. Philip King |
2002-2006 |
Postdoctoral Research Associate |
TRIUMF, Canada's National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vancouver - Canada, in collaboration with Prof. Robert Kiefl |
1998-2002 |
Ph.D in physics |
The Physics Department, Technion, Haifa - Israel. |
Thesis title: NMR and μSR study of Quantum Spin Tunneling in High Spin Molecules. |
Supervisor: Prof. Amit Keren |
1995-1998 |
M.Sc. In physics |
The Physics Department, Technion, Haifa - Israel. |
Thesis title: Series Expansion Analyses for Multicritical Points. |
Supervisor: Dr. Joan Adler and Prof. Moshe Moshe |
1992-1995 |
B.A. In physics |
The Physics Department, Technion, Haifa - Israel. |
Isah MM, Sorace L, Lascialfari A, Arosio P, Salman Z, Nogueira AM,
et al.uSR evidence of a marked exchange-interaction effect on the local spin dynamics of Tb-based molecular nanomagnets Physical Review B. 2025; 111: 014444 (9 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.111.014444DORA PSI
Asaduzzaman M, McFadden RML, Valente-Feliciano A-M, Beverstock DR, Suter A, Salman Z,
et al.Evidence for current suppression in superconductor-superconductor bilayers Superconductor Science and Technology. 2024; 37(2): 025002 (13 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6668/ad1462DORA PSI
Asmara TC, Green RJ, Suter A, Wei Y, Zhang W, Knez D,
et al.Emergence of interfacial magnetism in strongly‐correlated nickelate‐titanate superlattices Advanced Materials. 2024; 36(38): 2310668 (14 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202310668DORA PSI
Doll A, Xu Z, Romankov V, Boero G, Rusponi S, Brune H,
et al.Element-specific X-Ray detection of electron paramagnetic resonance in thin films of quantum bits Nature Communications. 2024; 15: 10313 (9 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-54586-3DORA PSI
Graham JN, Mielke III C, Das D, Morresi T, Sazgari V, Suter A,
et al.Depth-dependent study of time-reversal symmetry-breaking in the kagome superconductor AV3Sb5 Nature Communications. 2024; 15(1): 8978 (9 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-52688-6DORA PSI
Hicken TJ, Wilson MN, Salman Z, Zhang SL, Holt SJR, Prokscha T,
et al.Depth-dependent magnetic crossover in a room-temperature skyrmion-hosting multilayer Physical Review B. 2024; 109(13): 134423 (8 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.109.134423DORA PSI
Iori G, Alzu'bi M, Abbadi A, Al Momani Y, Hasoneh AR, Van Vaerenbergh P,
et al.BEATS: BEAmline for synchrotron X-ray microTomography at SESAME Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 2024; 31(Pt 5): 1358-1372.
https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577524005277DORA PSI
Janka G, Mendes Martins M, Ni X, Salman Z, Suter A, Prokscha T
Improving the beam quality of the low-energy muon beamline at Paul Scherrer Institute: characterization of ultrathin carbon foils Physical Review Accelerators and Beams. 2024; 27(5): 054501 (8 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.27.054501DORA PSI
Sahoo M, Onuorah IJ, Folkers LC, Kochetkova E, Chulkov EV, Otrokov MM,
et al.Ubiquitous order‐disorder transition in the Mn antisite sublattice of the (MnBi2Te4)(Bi2Te3)n magnetic topological insulators Advanced Science. 2024; 11(34): 2402753 (10 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.202402753DORA PSI
Alberto HV, Vilão RC, Ribeiro EFM, Gil JM, Curado MA, Teixeira JP,
et al.Low energy muon study of the p-n interface in chalcopyrite solar cells In:
The 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 2462. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012047 (6 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2462/1/012047DORA PSI
Brahlek M, Mazza AR, Annaberdiyev A, Chilcote M, Rimal G, Halász GB,
et al.Emergent magnetism with continuous control in the ultrahigh-conductivity layered oxide PdCoO2 Nano Letters. 2023; 23(16): 7279-7287.
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.3c01065DORA PSI
Fowlie J, Georgescu AB, Suter A, Mundet B, Toulouse C, Jaouen N,
et al.Metal-insulator transition in composition-tuned nickel oxide films Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2023; 35(30): 304001 (9 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/accd38DORA PSI
Kang M, Zhang CC, Schierle E, McCoy S, Li J, Sutarto R,
et al.Discovery of charge order in a cuprate Mott insulator Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America PNAS. 2023; 120(30): e2302099120 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2302099120DORA PSI
MacFarlane WA, Shenton JK, Salman Z, Chatzichristos A, Cortie DL, Dehn M,
et al.The site and high field βNMR properties of 8Li+ implanted in α-Al2O3 In:
The 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 2462. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012009 (11 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2462/1/012009DORA PSI
Mendes Martins M, Suter A, Salman Z, Prokscha T
Depth profiling of LE-µSR parameters with musrfit In:
The 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 2462. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012025 (4 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2462/1/012025DORA PSI
Ni X, Zhou L, Martins MM, Salman Z, Suter A, Prokscha T
Small sample measurements at the low energy muon facility of Paul Scherrer Institute Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2023; 1054: 168399 (8 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2023.168399DORA PSI
Sahoo M, Salman Z, Allodi G, Isaeva A, Folkers L, Wolter AUB,
et al.Impact of Mn-Pn intermixing on magnetic properties of an intrinsic magnetic topological insulator: the µSR perspective In:
The 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 2462. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012040 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2462/1/012040DORA PSI
Suter A, Mendes Martins M, Ni X, Prokscha T, Salman Z
Low energy measurements in low-energy µSR In:
The 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 2462. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:012011 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2462/1/012011DORA PSI
Teuschl H, Di Bernardo A, Lourenco LMO, Prokscha T, Vieira RB, Salman Z
Thin film and surface preparation chamber for the low energy muons spectrometer In:
The 15th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 2462. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2023:01250 (8 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/2462/1/012050DORA PSI
Alberto HV, Vilão RC, Ribeiro EFM, Gil JM, Curado MA, Teixeira JP,
et al.Characterization of the interfacial defect layer in chalcopyrite solar cells by depth‐resolved muon spin spectroscopy Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2022; 9(19): 2200374 (9 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1002/admi.202200374DORA PSI
Janka G, Ohayon B, Cortinovis I, Burkley Z, de Sousa Borges L, Depero E,
et al.Measurement of the transition frequency from 2S1/2, F = 0 to 2P1/2, F = 1 states in Muonium Nature Communications. 2022; 13(1): 7273 (6 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-34672-0DORA PSI
Prokscha T, Salman Z, Suter A
Low energy µSR In: Blundell SJ, De Renzi R, Lancaster T, Pratt FL, eds.
Muon spectroscopy. An introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2022:274-282.
Dehn MH, Shenton JK, Holenstein S, Meier QN, Arseneau DJ, Cortie DL,
et al.Observation of a charge-neutral muon-polaron complex in antiferromagnetic Cr2O3 Physical Review X. 2020; 10(1): 011036 (18 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.10.011036DORA PSI
Ribeiro E, Alberto HV, Vilão RC, Gil JM, Weidinger A, Salomé PMP,
et al.CdS versus ZnSnO buffer layers for a CIGS solar cell: a depth-resolved analysis using the muon probe In: Almeida BG, Agostinho Moreira J, eds.
Portuguese condensed matter physics national conference (CMPNC 2019). Vol. 223. EPJ web of conferences. Les Ulis Cedex A: EDP Sciences; 2020:05004 (5 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/202023305004DORA PSI
Shang T, Gawryluk DJ, Naamneh M, Salman Z, Guguchia Z, Medarde M,
et al.Strong- to weak-coupling superconductivity in high-Tc bismuthates: revisiting the phase diagram via μSR Physical Review B. 2020; 101(1): 014508 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.101.014508DORA PSI
Simões AFA, Alberto HV, Vilão RC, Gil JM, Cunha JMV, Curado MA,
et al.Muon implantation experiments in films: obtaining depth-resolved information Review of Scientific Instruments. 2020; 91(2): 023906 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5126529DORA PSI
Keckert S, Junginger T, Buck T, Hall D, Kolb P, Kugeler O,
et al.Critical fields of Nb3Sn prepared for superconducting cavities Superconductor Science and Technology. 2019; 32(7): 075004 (9 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6668/ab119eDORA PSI
Lucaccini E, Sorace L, Adelnia F, Sanna S, Arosio P, Mariani M,
et al.NMR and μ+SR detection of unconventional spin dynamics in Er(trensal) and Dy(trensal) molecular magnets Physical Review B. 2019; 100(17): 174416 (10 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.100.174416DORA PSI
Strocov VN, Lev LL, Kobayashi M, Cancellieri C, Husanu M-A, Chikina A,
et al.k-resolved electronic structure of buried heterostructure and impurity systems by soft-X-ray ARPES Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena. 2019; 236: 1-8.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.elspec.2019.06.009DORA PSI
Biswas PK, Salman Z, Song Q, Peng R, Zhang J, Shu L,
et al.Direct evidence of superconductivity and determination of the superfluid density in buried ultrathin FeSe grown on SrTiO3 Physical Review B. 2018; 97(17): 174509 (8 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.97.174509DORA PSI
Drachuck G, Salman Z, Masters MW, Taufour V, Lamichhane TN, Lin Q,
et al.Effect of nickel substitution on magnetism in the layered van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2 Physical Review B. 2018; 98(14): 144434 (9 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.98.144434DORA PSI
Howald L, Stilp E, Baiutti F, Dietl C, Wrobel F, Logvenov G,
et al.Unexpected effects of thickness and strain on superconductivity and magnetism in optimally doped La1.84Sr0.16CuO4 thin films Physical Review B. 2018; 97(9): 094514 (13 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.97.094514DORA PSI
Junginger T, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Suter A, Valente-Feliciano A-M
Critical fields of SRF materials In: Koscielniak S, Satogata T, Schaa VRW, Thomson J, eds.
Proceedings of the 9th international particle accelerator conference. Vol. 9. International particle accelerator conference. Geneva, Switzerland: JACoW Publishing; 2018:3921-3924.
https://doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2018-THPAL118DORA PSI
Krieger JA, Kanigel A, Ribak A, Pomjakushina E, Chashka K, Conder K,
et al.Superconducting properties of Cu intercalated Bi2Se3 studied by muon spin spectroscopy In: Koda A, ed.
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance (μSR2017). Vol. 21. JPS conference proceedings. Tokyo: Physical Society of Japan; 2018:011028 (5 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSCP.21.011028DORA PSI
Månsson M, Forslund OK, Nozaki H, Umegaki I, Shiraki S, Hitosugi T,
et al.LE-µ+SR study of superconductivity in the thin film battery material LiTi2O4 In: Koda A, ed.
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance (μSR2017). Vol. 21. JPS conference proceedings. Tokyo: Physical Society of Japan; 2018:011025 (5 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSCP.21.011025DORA PSI
Need RF, Marshall PB, Kenney E, Suter A, Prokscha T, Salman Z,
et al.Quasistatic antiferromagnetism in the quantum wells of SmTiO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures npj Quantum Materials. 2018; 3(1): 7 (6 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41535-018-0081-8DORA PSI
Rabis A, Prokscha T, Fabbri E, Salman Z, Schmidt T, Suter A
Investigation of hydrogen-like muonium states in Nb-doped SnO2 films In: Koda A, ed.
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance (μSR2017). Vol. 21. JPS conference proceedings. Tokyo: Physical Society of Japan; 2018:011033 (6 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSCP.21.011033DORA PSI
Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Umegaki I, Mukai K, Cottrell SP, Shiraki S,
et al.Li-Diffusion in spinel Li[Ni1/2Mn3/2]O4 powder and film studied with µ+SR In: Koda A, ed.
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance (μSR2017). Vol. 21. JPS conference proceedings. Tokyo: Physical Society of Japan; 2018:011015 (4 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSCP.21.011015DORA PSI
Suter A, Ackland K, Stilp E, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Coey M
Search for d0-magnetism in amorphous MB6 (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) thin films In: Koda A, ed.
Proceedings of the 14th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance (μSR2017). Vol. 21. JPS conference proceedings. Tokyo: Physical Society of Japan; 2018:011003 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSCP.21.011003DORA PSI
Tesi L, Salman Z, Cimatti I, Pointillart F, Bernot K, Mannini M,
et al.Isotope effects on the spin dynamics of single-molecule magnets probed using muon spin spectroscopy Chemical Communications. 2018; 54(56): 7826-7829.
https://doi.org/10.1039/C8CC04703KDORA PSI
Aqeel A, Vera-Marun IJ, Salman Z, Prokscha T, Suter A, van Wees BJ,
et al.Probing current-induced magnetic fields in Au|YIG heterostructures with low-energy muon spin spectroscopy Applied Physics Letters. 2017; 110(6): 062409 (4 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4975487DORA PSI
Biswas PK, Legner M, Balakrishnan G, Ciomaga Hatnean M, Lees MR, Paul DMK,
et al.Suppression of magnetic excitations near the surface of the topological Kondo insulator SmB6 Physical Review B. 2017; 95(2): 020410 (5 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.95.020410DORA PSI
Chatzichristos A, McFadden RML, Karner VL, Cortie DL, Levy CDP, MacFarlane WA,
et al.Determination of the nature of fluctuations using 8Li and 9Li β-NMR and spin-lattice relaxation Physical Review B. 2017; 96(1): 014307 (8 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.014307DORA PSI
Junginger T, Calatroni S, Sublet A, Terenziani G, Prokscha T, Salman Z,
et al.A low energy muon spin rotation and point contact tunneling study of niobium films prepared for superconducting cavities Superconductor Science and Technology. 2017; 30(12): 125013 (14 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6668/aa8926DORA PSI
Krieger JA, Chang C-Z, Husanu M-A, Sostina D, Ernst A, Otrokov MM,
et al.Spectroscopic perspective on the interplay between electronic and magnetic properties of magnetically doped topological insulators Physical Review B. 2017; 96(18): 184402 (11 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.184402DORA PSI
McFadden RML, Buck TJ, Chatzichristos A, Chen C-C, Chow KH, Cortie DL,
et al.Microscopic dynamics of Li+ in rutile TiO2 revealed by 8Li β-detected nuclear magnetic resonance Chemistry of Materials. 2017; 29(23): 10187-10197.
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemmater.7b04093DORA PSI
Sugiyama J, Umegaki I, Uyama T, McFadden RML, Shiraki S, Hitosugi T,
et al.Lithium diffusion in spinel Li4Ti5O12 and LiTi2O4 films detected with 8Li β-NMR Physical Review B. 2017; 96(9): 094402 (10 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.96.094402DORA PSI
Xiao R, Morenzoni E, Salman Z, Ye B-J, Prokscha T
A segmented conical electric lens for optimization of the beam spot of the low-energy muon facility at PSI: a Geant4 simulation analysis Nuclear Science and Techniques. 2017; 28(3): 29 (10 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1007/s41365-017-0190-2DORA PSI
Guguchia Z, Salman Z, Keller H, Roleder K, Köhler J, Bussmann-Holder A
Complexity in the structural and magnetic properties of almost multiferroic EuTiO3 Physical Review B. 2016; 94(22): 220406 (5 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.94.220406DORA PSI
Lancaster T, Xiao F, Salman Z, Thomas IO, Blundell SJ, Pratt FL,
et al.Transverse field muon-spin rotation measurement of the topological anomaly in a thin film of MnSi Physical Review B. 2016; 93(14): 140412 (6 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.93.140412DORA PSI
Dalmas de Réotier P, Prestat E, Bayle-Guillemaud P, Boukhari M, Barski A, Marty A,
et al.Core-shell nanostructure in a Ge0.9Mn0.1 film observed via structural and magnetic measurements Physical Review B. 2015; 91(24): 245408 (9 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.91.245408DORA PSI
Di Bernardo A, Salman Z, Wang XL, Amado M, Egilmez M, Flokstra MG,
et al.Intrinsic paramagnetic meissner effect due to s-wave odd-frequency superconductivity Physical Review X. 2015; 5(4): 041021 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevX.5.041021DORA PSI
Goto T, Matsui K, Adachi T, Ohtsuki T, Tu NH, Tanabe Y,
et al.Low-energy μSR study on the tetradymite topological insulator Bi1.5Sb0.5TeSe2 In: Labarta A, ed.
20th international conference on magnetism, ICM 2015. Vol. 75. Physics procedia. sine loco: Elsevier; 2015:100-105.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phpro.2015.12.014DORA PSI
Junginger T, Calatroni S, Prokscha T, Proslier T, Salman Z, Suter A,
et al.Low energy muon spin rotation and point contact tunneling applied to niobium films for SRF cavities In: Laxdal R, Thomson J, Schaa VRW, eds.
Proceedings of SRF2015. Vol. 17. Geneva, Switzerland: JACoW Publishing; 2015:656-660. http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/SRF2015.
Khaw KS, Antognini A, Crivelli P, Kirch K, Morenzoni E, Salman Z,
et al.Geant4 simulation of the PSI LEM beam line: energy loss and muonium formation in thin foils and the impact of unmoderated muons on the μSR spectrometer Journal of Instrumentation. 2015; 10: P10025 (22 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/10/10/P10025DORA PSI
Monteiro PMS, Baker PJ, Hine NDM, Steinke N-J, Ionescu A, Cooper JFK,
et al.Elevated Curie temperature and half-metallicity in the ferromagnetic semiconductor LaxEu1-xO Physical Review B. 2015; 92(4): 045202 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.92.045202DORA PSI
Saadaoui H, Salman Z, Luetkens H, Prokscha T, Suter A, MacFarlane WA,
et al.The phase diagram of electron-doped La2-xCexCuO4-δ Nature Communications. 2015; 6: 6041 (6 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms7041DORA PSI
Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Umegaki I, Mukai K, Miwa K, Shiraki S,
et al.Li-ion diffusion in Li4Ti5O12 and LiTi2O4 battery materials detected by muon spin spectroscopy Physical Review B. 2015; 92(1): 014417 (9 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.92.014417DORA PSI
Tietze T, Audehm P, Chen Y-C, Schütz G, Straumal BB, Protasova SG,
et al.Interfacial dominated ferromagnetism in nanograined ZnO: a μSR and DFT study Scientific Reports. 2015; 5: 8871 (6 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1038/srep08871DORA PSI
Alberto HV, Vilão RC, Gil JM, Piroto Duarte J, Vieira RBL, Weidinger A,
et al.Muonium states in Cu2ZnSnS4 solar cell material In: Salman Z, Amato A, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, eds.
13th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 551. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2014:012045 (6 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012045DORA PSI
Biswas PK, Amato A, Wang K, Petrovic C, Khasanov R, Luetkens H,
et al.Superconducting properties of Ca3Ir4Sn13: a μSR study In: Salman Z, Amato A, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, eds.
13th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 551. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2014:012029 (5 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012029DORA PSI
Dalmas de Réotier P, Yaouanc A, Maisuradze A
New insights for the description of magnetic correlations inferred from μSR In: Salman Z, Amato A, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, eds.
13th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 551. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2014:012005 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012005DORA PSI
De Réotier PD, Yaouanc A, Bertin A, Marin C, Vanishri S, Sheptyakov D,
et al.Low temperature crystal structure and local magnetometry for the geometrically frustrated pyrochlore Tb2Ti2O7 In: Salman Z, Amato A, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, eds.
13th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 551. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: Institute of Physics Publishing; 2014:012021 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012021DORA PSI
Goltz T, Kamusella S, Jeevan HS, Gegenwart P, Luetkens H, Materne P,
et al.Interplay of magnetism and superconductivity in EuFe2(As1—xPx)2 single crystals probed by muon spin rotation and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy In: Salman Z, Amato A, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, eds.
13th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 551. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2014:012025 (6 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012025DORA PSI
Graf MJ, Disseler SM, Dhital C, Hogan T, Bojko M, Amato A,
et al.Magnetism and magnetic order in the pyrochlore iridates in the insulator-to-metal crossover region In: Salman Z, Amato A, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, eds.
13th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 551. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2014:012020 (6 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012020DORA PSI
Hartmann O, Kalvius GM, Wäppling R
Muon spin precession in ferromagnetic DyAl2 In: Salman Z, Amato A, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, eds.
13th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 551. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2014:012018 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012018DORA PSI
Hofmann A, Salman Z
Tuning the spin dynamics of single molecule magnets via dipolar interactions In:
13th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 551. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol, Philadelphia: IOP Publishing; 2014:012055 (7 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012055DORA PSI
Kalvius GM, Hartmann O, Günther A, Krimmel A, Loidl A, Wäppling R,
et al.A μSR study of the ruthenium perovskites ACu3Ru4O12 with A = Ca, Pr, Nd In: Salman Z, Amato A, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, eds.
13th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 551. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2014:012015 (6 pp.).
https://doi.org/10.1088/1742-6596/551/1/012015DORA PSI
Kalvius GM, Litterst FJ, Hartmann O, Wäppling R, Krimmel A, Mukhin AA,
et al.Magnetic properties of the multiferroic compounds Eu1-xYxMnO3 (x = 0.2 and 0.3) In: Salman Z, Amato A, Luetkens H, Morenzoni E, eds.
13th international conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance. Vol. 551. Journal of physics: conference series. Bristol: IOP Publishing; 2014:012014 (7 pp.).
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Kamusella S, Doan P, Goltz T, Luetkens H, Sarkar R, Guloy A,
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McKenzie I, Salman Z, Giblin SR, Han YY, Leach GW, Morenzoni E,
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Morenzoni E, Saadaoui H, Amato A, Baines C, Luetkens H, Pomjakushina E,
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Morenzoni E, Prokscha T, Saadaoui H, Salman Z, Suter A, Wojek BM,
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Månsson M, Umegaki I, Nozaki H, Higuchi Y, Kawasaki I, Watanabe I,
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Salman Z, Chow KH, Hossain MD, Kiefl RF, Levy CDP, Parolin TJ,
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Salman Z, Prokscha T, Amato A, Morenzoni E, Scheuermann R, Sedlak K,
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Stilp E, Suter A, Prokscha T, Salman Z, Morenzoni E, Keller H,
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Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Umegaki I, Harada M, Higuchi Y, Ansaldo EJ,
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Sugiyama J, Nozaki H, Umegaki I, Higemoto W, Ansaldo EJ, Brewer JH,
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