PhD Theses

NameThesis titleDirectorSupervisor(s)Year (Started)
Walter, ElisabethDevelopment of a High-Fidelity Simulation Model to Address Condensation PhenomenaA. ManeraA. Manera, V. Petrov2024
Portolan, SofiaSwissneutronics: Swiss neutronics methods for used nuclear fuel simulationsA. ManeraD. Rochman2024
Monney, AxelExperimental investigations of CRUD build-up on LWR fuel at prototypical conditionsA. ManeraA. Manera, V. Petrov2024
Sansone, RiccardoDevelopment of advanced heat pipe code for transient flow simulationsA. ManeraA. Manera, V. Petrov2024
Tanghetti, AlbertoExperimental set-up and investigations of multi-phase flow behaviour of Sodium cooled heat pipesA. ManeraA. Manera, V. Petrov2024
Güttlein, CynthiaDevelopment of steady-state and transient neutronic solvers for reactor core simulationsA. ManeraA. Cherezov2024
Ponce Tovar, MarioDevelopment of multi-physics solvers for coupled core and propulsion system analysesA. ManeraI. Clifford2024
Kelk, RainerUse of machine-learning for severe accident analysisA. ManeraT. Lind2024
Mazzone, Daniel VincentDevelopment and integration of new models for 
annular flow phenomena
A. ManeraO. Al-Yahia2024
Maccario, SaraDevelopment and Demonstration of a Bayesian Calibration Methodology applicable to Complex  ModelsM. HursinM. Hursin2022
Arnold, BenjaminThermal-Hydraulics Analysis of a Dual Fluid ReactorA. ManeraI. Clifford2022
Ramos Pérez, ÀlvaroSimultaneous measurement of aerosol mass transfer 
and hydrodynamics in gas-liquid two-phase flow systems
A. ManeraT. Lind2022
Grasso, MatteoHigh-resolution experiments and modelling of annular flowsA. ManeraA. Manera, 
V. Petrov
NameThesis titleDirectorSupervisor(s)Year (completed)
Ding, YucanHigh-fidelity modeling of CRUD deposition for LWR fuelA. ManeraA. Manera, 
V. Petrov
Vitullo, FannyMiniature and Minimalistic Neutron Detectors for Online High-Resolution Experiments in the Zero-Power Reactor CROCUSA. PautzV. Lamirand2022
Wolfertz, AlexanderDevelopment, Characterization and Optimization of a Fast Neutron Detector System for Reactor Physics Measurements and Neutron ImagingA. PautzG. Perret, 
R. Adams
Wei, ZonglanAssessment of URANS turbulent heat flux closure models for turbulent buoyant flowsA. PautzB. Niceno, 
I. Clifford
Papadionysiou, MariannaMulti-physics modeling of VVERs with high fidelity high-resolution codesA. PautzM. Hursin2022
Papadopoulos, PetrosExperimental Evaluation of Gas Retention in Two-Phase Flows relevant to Pool Scrubbing in FCVSH.-M. PrasserT. Lind2021
Scolaro, AlessandroDevelopment of a Novel Finite Volume Methodology for Multi-Dimensional Fuel Performance ApplicationsA. PautzI. Clifford2021
Shama, AhmedData-Driven Predictive Models: Calculational Bias in Characterization of Spent Nuclear FuelA. PautzD. Rochman2021
Chionis DionysiosDevelopment of Advanced Methodologies for Monitoring and Modelling of Neutron Noise in Modern LWR CoresA. PautzA. Dokhane2020
Kromer HeikoOptimization of a compact D-D fast neutron generator for imaging applicationsH.-M. PrasserR. Adams2020
Park, SanggilNitriding and Re-oxidation Behavior of Zircaloy-4 at High TemperaturesH.-M. PrasserT. Lind2020
Soubelet BenoitDevelopment of energy-selective fast neutron imaging for nondestructive elemental analysisH.-M. PrasserR. Adams, 
R. Zboray
Janasz, FilipEffect of non-Condensable gases on Reflux condensation in nuclear steam generator tubesH.-M. PrasserH.-M. Prasser2019
Bolesch, ChristianTomographic Dryout ExperimentA. PautzR. Zboray2018
Mala, PetraPin-by-Pin Treatment of LWR Cores with Cross Section Equivalence Procedures and Higher-Order Transport MethodsA. PautzM. Hursin2018
Wicaksono, DamarBayesian Uncertainty Quantification of Physical Models in Thermal-Hydraulics System CodeA. PautzO. Zerkak, 
G. Perret
Brankov, VladimirModeling of fuel fragmentation, relocation and dispersal during Loss-of-Coolant Accident in Light-Water ReactorsA. PautzG. Khvostov, 
K. Mikityuk
Dupont, JulienThin liquid film dynamics in a condensing and re-evaporating environmentH.-M. PrasserG. Mignot2017
Szijártó, RitaCondensation of steam in horizontal pipes: model development and validationH.-M. PrasserJ. Freixa2015
Badreddine, HassanFinite Size Lagrangian Particle Tracking Approach for Dispersed Bubbly Flows SimulationsH.-M. PrasserB. Niceno2015
Betschart, TorstenTwo-Phase Flow Investigations in Large Diameter Channels and Tube BundlesH.-M. PrasserD. Suckow2015
Zhu, TingSampling-Based Nuclear Data Uncertainty Quantification for Continuous Energy Monte Carlo CodesA. PautzA. Vasiliev2015
Ihalainen, MikaFragmentation and Bounce of Nanosize Agglomerates by Inertial ImpactionW. Koch,
K. Hämeri, 
M. Marjamäki
J. Jokiniemi, 
T. Lind, 
K. Lehtinen
Kalilainen, JarmoFission product transport in the primary circuit and in the containment in severe nuclear accidentsF. TuomistoT. Lind2014
Bosshard, ChristophLarge Eddy Simulation of Particle Dynamics Inside a Differentially Heated CavityM. DevilleL. Kleiser2012
Giust, Flavio DanteAppraisal of BWR core analysis methods against the LWR-PROTEUS experimentsR. ChawlaP. Grimm2012
Lopez del Pra, ClaudiaA Theoretical Investigation of Aerosol Retention within the Secondary Side of a Steam Generator under a SGTR Severe Accident Sequence in a PWR Nuclear Power Plant L. Herranz, 
J. Muñoz-Cobo
Rätz, DominikNeutronics experiments and analysis related to strong moderation heterogeneity in LWRsR. ChawlaK. Jordan2012
Ritterath, MartinInstrumentation and mixing experiments on safety relevant gas flows in containments of nuclear reactorsH.-M. PrasserH.-J. Allelein2012
Sun, KaichaoAnalysis of Advanced Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Core Designs with Improved Safety CharacteristicsR. ChawlaJ. Krepel, 
K. Mikityuk
Bertolotto, DavideCoupling of a system code with computational fluid dynamics for the simulation of complex coolant reactivity effectsR. ChawlaA. Manera2011
Chenu, AuréliaSingle- and two-phase flow modeling for coupled neutronics/thermal-hydraulics transient analysis of advanced sodium-cooled fast reactorsR. ChawlaK. Mikityuk2011
Kröhnert, HannaFission rates measured using high-energy gamma-rays from short half-life fission products in fresh and spent nuclear fuelR. ChawlaM. Plaschy, 
M. Murphy, 
G. Perret
Epiney, Aaron SimonImprovement of the decay heat removal characteristics of the Generation IV Gas-cooled Fast ReactorR. ChawlaK. Mikityuk2010
Girardin, GaëtanDevelopment of the control assembly pattern and dynamic analysis of the generation IV large gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR)R. ChawlaS. Pelloni, 
G. Rimpault
Ammar, YasmineTurbulent Agglomeration and Break-up of Nuclear Aerosols  2008
Blair, PaulModelling of fission gas behaviour in high burnup nuclear fuelR. ChawlaCh. Hellwig, 
A. Romano, 
G. Khvostov
Petkevich, PetrDevelopment and application of an advanced fuel model for the safety analysis of the generation IV gas-cooled fast reactorR. ChawlaK. Mikityuk2008
Caruso, StefanoCharacterisation of high-burnup LWR fuel rods through gamma-tomographyR. ChawlaM. F. Murphy2007
Vinai, PaoloDevelopment and application of objective uncertainty measures for nuclear power plant transient analysisR. Chawla 2007
Filippo, TaniDecomposition analysis of reactivity effect predictions for modern LWR fuelR. Chawla 2006
Negreanu, Cezarina ElenaDevelopment and validation of data sets and Monte Carlo methods for electron/positron transport at low and medium energiesR. ChawlaO. P. Joneja, 
J. Stepanek
Zilio, Valery OlivierDevelopment and validation of on-line dosimetric methods for the treatment of prostate cancerR. ChawlaO. P. Joneja2005
Dokhane, AbdelhamidBWR stability analysis using a novel reduced order model and the system code RAMONAR. ChawlaD. Henning2004
Plaschy, MichaelNumerical and experimental studies of the characteristics of a sub-critical fast system driven by an external sourceR. ChawlaG. Rimpault2004
Cometto, MarcoBenchmarking of ADS calculational tools and their application to different waste transmutation scenariosR. ChawlaM. Wydler2003
Pralong, CatherineInvestigation of within-pin reaction rate distributions in a highly heterogeneous fuel assemblyR. Chawla 2002
Kubasch, Jens HolgerBubble hydrodynamics in large poolsA. AlonsoG. Yadigaroglu, 
S. Güntay
Sengstag, ThierryOn the modelling of reactivity initiated accidents in light water reactor cores containing high-burnup fuelR. Chawla 2001
Kapulla, RalfExperimentelle Untersuchung von thermisch stratifizierten und unstratifizierten Mischungsschichten in Natrium und WasserG. YadigarogluF. Widmer2000
Lüthi, AntonDevelopment and validation of gamma-heating calculational methods for Pu-burning fast reactorsR. Chawla 1999
Rosselet, MarcReactivity measurements and their interpretation in systems with large spatial effectsR. Chawla 1999
Kasemeyer, UweDesign of a uranium-free LWR core for plutonium burningR. Chawla 1998
Köberl, OliverExperimental neutron balance investigations of water entry in a HTR with low enriched uranium fuelR. Chawla 1998

General Contact

Research Division
Nuclear Energy and Safety (NES)

Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Thermal-Hydraulics (LRT)
Paul Scherrer Institute
5232 Villigen PSI

Hakim Ferroukhi
Head of the Laboratory
Office: OHSA/C10
Telephone: +41 56 310 4062

Petra Kull
Administration and Assistance
Office: OHSA/C18
Telephone: + 41 56 310 2685

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Current job openings in the Research Division for Nuclear Energy and Safety