Dr. Carlos Antonio Fernandes Vaz

Carlos A. f. Vaz
Institut Paul Scherrer PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI


Carlos A. F. Vaz graduated from Lisbon University and received his Ph.D. degree from Cambridge University. After a spell at  Yale University as a Postdoctoral Associate, he joined the Paul Scherrer Institut, where he currently works as a staff scientist.

Institutional Responsibilities

Carlos A. F. Vaz is responsible for the operation of the Surface/Interface: Microscopy beamline of the Swiss Light Source. At this beamline we operate, develop, and provide user support for soft x-ray photoemission electron microscopy and soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy for fundamental and applied science studies in areas ranging from catalysis to nanomagnetism. We contribute to the development of critical infrastructure for the Photon Science Division of PSI, including x-ray and electron detectors, advanced x-ray optics, and new synchrotron x-ray measurement techniques for the characterization of condensed matter at the nanometer scale.

Scientific Research

Carlos A. F. Vaz's research interests include magnetism, spintronics, multiferroics, X-ray and electron spectroscopy, and epitaxial growth and  characterization of multifunctional materials, with a focus on thin films, heterostructures, and patterned elements of transition metal ferromagnets and complex oxides.

Selected Publications

For an extensive overview we kindly refer you to our publication repository DORA).

See also Web of Science ResearcherID (https://publons.com/researcher/2758922/carlos-af-vaz/).