BDCT – Projects

A centrally maintained and therefore unique library has several advantages. The most important aspect is the increase in reliability of the created and PSI wide available components. Due to well defined design rules this components have a similar look -- this is mandatory to get easily readable circuit diagrams, too.
Our team is supporting teachers and apprentices of the electronics education group at PSI. We are responsible for the realization of the introductory trainings concerning Printed Circuit Board (PCB) designs .
Our team maintains an internal website to inform our customers/design engineers about the latest news and the status of current and future projects.

Our website offers furthermore:
  • registration form for new users
  • interface to our project database
  • request form for new CAD-library components
  • framework and training documents
  • custom application documentation
  • known errors and bugs with possible workaround's
  • tips and tricks to use the tools more efficiently

DESY (Hamburg, DE)

In 2010 the "ElNet initiative" at PSI decided to collaborate with the FE group at DESY. Therefore the framework developed at DESY was enhanced to share electronic components between the two institutes over a well defined interface. The big advantage of this implementation is that both institutes are maintaining their own infrastructure autonomously and therefore no direct dependencies in case of unexpected technical problems are present.

FHNW (Windisch, CH)

The IME (Institute for Microelectronics) is one of ten institutes of the school of engineering FHNW. Since the frame contract between PSI and FHNW was sighed in 2013 our team offers access and support to our infrastructure for research and student projects.