PANDA is a large-scale, thermal-hydraulics test facility designed and used for investigating containment system behavior and related phenomena for different ALWR designs, and for large-scale separate effect tests. The facility was used to study the passive decay heat removal systems and containment response of the Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (SBWR) and the Economic Simplified Boiling Water Reactor (ESBWR) designs from General Electric (GE), as well as of the SWR1000 design from Siemens-KWU (now KERENA design from AREVA) in the case of accident transients. Other studies were carried out on natural-circulation flow and stability in the Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) of advanced BWRs. The PANDA facility has a modular structure, consisting of six cylindrical pressure vessels and four water pools containing four condensers. In the studies related to the ESBWR, the vessels were representing: the Reactor Pressure Vessel, RPV (one vessel), the Drywell, DW (two vessels), the Suppression Chamber, SC (two vessels) and the Gravity Driven Cooling System, GDCS (one vessel). The pools and condensers represented the three Passive Containment Cooling Condensers (PCCs) and the Isolation Condenser (IC). The total volume of the six vessels is about 460 m3 , and the total height of the facility is 25 m. The maximum operating conditions are 10 bar pressure and 200°C. In the RPV, electrical heaters are installed with a maximum power of 1.5 MW, providing the steam injected into the vessels. The facility is equipped with auxiliary systems which allow injection into the vessels of air, steam, helium and water. These systems are regularly used to precondition the facility to the specified test conditions. The control system allows all the main operations needed for preconditioning the facility and for performing a test from a control room. The PANDA instrumentation allows for the measurement of fluid and wall temperatures, absolute and differential pressures, flow rates, heater power, gas concentrations and flow velocities with PIV systems. The sensors are implemented in all the compartments of the facility, in the system lines, and in the auxiliary systems. Experimental investigations carried on in the PANDA facility have been embedded in international projects, most of which under the auspices of the EU and OECD and with the support of a large number of Organizations (Regulatory Bodies, Technical Support Organizations, National Laboratories, Universities, Electric Utilities, Industries) worldwide.