To avoid delays in case of emergency always call 3333 (or from your mobile phone: +41 56 310 3333) for expert help and assistance.
The safety of your experiment is verified after acceptance of your proposal and documented on-line in the DUO system (no safety sheets have to be submitted).
When arriving, please immediately contact the PSI User Office at the West entrance of PSI.
Please complete the safety training course either online or at the latest upon arrival at PSI. Badge and dosimeter will only be issued after passing this course.
When arriving, please immediately contact the PSI User Office at the West entrance of PSI.
Please complete the safety training course either online or at the latest upon arrival at PSI. Badge and dosimeter will only be issued after passing this course.
Instrument access doors are interlocked for your safety. You can only enter the area when closing the monochromatic neutron beam first. For longer access, please close in addition the white beam.
Local Safety Instruction by Local Contact:
Local Safety Instruction by Local Contact:
- You have to be instructed by your local contact on the special safety procedures of the SINQ instrument used
- You confirm this introduction with your signature (Instrument safety declaration form)
- Check your substance with IGS, the information system for dangerous substances: IGS check
- Instruction course at PSI-Academy (3.5 hours): on-line registration
- Use of the SINQ chemistry laboratory (WNLA / EG 002 Wet Lab): Laboratory guide
- below 999 kg: no restrictions
- above 999 kg: only trained people (contact Th. Mühlebach, LDM)
NEVER remove the sample (even if not exposed to the neutron beam) from SINQ and PSI without authorisation.
All material brought into the SINQ-halls (TH/LH) is considered to be active as long as not stated inactive by a safety officer of PSI (SU). The instrument responsible is not allowed to make this safety procedure for you.
Samples must be stored temporarily in the special room close to the MARS-instrument-hutch (1st floor, behind the computer room on top of the workshop). Only LNS and ASQ staff has access to this room by the PSI-access-card.
You are not allowed to remove any material from this room, neither to SINQ nor to your office.
Samples must be stored temporarily in the special room close to the MARS-instrument-hutch (1st floor, behind the computer room on top of the workshop). Only LNS and ASQ staff has access to this room by the PSI-access-card.
You are not allowed to remove any material from this room, neither to SINQ nor to your office.
Store the sample in a transparent plastic box and label it properly and safely. A special printer making excellent labels is available.
Samples stored in this room will be regularly checked out by SU and moved to the cabinet near the south exit of the SINQ guide hall (Villigen exit), as soon as they are considered as inactive.
Guidelines for import/export of radioactive samples (in German)
PSI shipping address:
Paul Scherrer Institute, Att. SU (Active Samples), Bldg. OSUA, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
It is strictly forbidden to ship such items to your local contact or to bring them to PSI by yourself. Details are given here (in German).
Costs can be temporarly charged to 5203.33700.005 (if reimbursed by the user). A written (E-Mail) confirmation by the user to reimburse PSI by approx. 1000 Euro is mandatory.
Transport of radioactive material
All active material has to be shipped according to international law (ADR regulations) using specialized companies. Contact person at PSI: Uwe Stuhr (, +41 56 310 4513)Guidelines for import/export of radioactive samples (in German)
Shipping to PSI
Please note the shipping instructions and import guidelines to avoid custom delays. Information about the procedure to transport radioactive materials are listed here (in German). For transports to PSI complete the form Fort11. For nuclear materials such as U, Pu, etc. please contact Uwe Stuhr (, +41 56 310 4513) first.PSI shipping address:
Paul Scherrer Institute, Att. SU (Active Samples), Bldg. OSUA, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
It is strictly forbidden to ship such items to your local contact or to bring them to PSI by yourself. Details are given here (in German).
Shipping out of PSI
Organized by PSI, full costs will be billed (in CHF, Euro or US$ depending on the wishes of the user) to the user (approx. 1000 Euro per shipping). Please complete the form Fort01. For nuclear materials such as U, Pu, etc. please contact Uwe Stuhr (, +41 56 310 4513) first.Costs can be temporarly charged to 5203.33700.005 (if reimbursed by the user). A written (E-Mail) confirmation by the user to reimburse PSI by approx. 1000 Euro is mandatory.
All material has to be shipped according to international law (ADR regulations) using specialized companies.