Data Analysis

One dimensional reflectivity data is collected by a single tube detector for standard time of flight measurements and is stored in HDF NEXUS format. A viewer for HDF NEXUS files can be downloaded. Within the UNIX computers a tool called amorreducer is available to transform raw data into ascii files. This tools also allows manipulation of the raw data with respect to data binning and scaling.

Further analysis of raw data can be done individually with standard software tools, usually within the Origin software package.

General calculation of the reflectivity curve is done according to


Here the ratio of the background subtracted reflected intensity and the background subtracted direct beam normalised to the same measurement time gives the reflectivity which is multiplied with the factor of the illuminated sample area to normalize the reflectivity to 1.

For simulation of standard reflectivity curves the program package Parratt32 can be recommended. It can be downloaded from the webpage at HMI.

For access to data files for users outside PSI a connection exists. For access to this connection to receive username and password contact your instrument responsible for details.

(click to enlarge)

A 2D-detector system is available at Amor to measure in-plane off-specular reflectivity in time of flight mode. The data is stored in HDF NEXUS format and can be viewed with an available Matlab script. Further analysis of the raw data is performed individually with standard software tools.