showing a motor position
< motor name >
showing all motor/devise parameters
< motor name > list
< device name > list
shows parameters like : hardware limits, software limits , status, etc.
software activation/deactivation of a motor
< motor name > enable 1 (activation)
< motor name > enable 0 (deactivation)
These commands are only useful for motors which are connected to the MCU ( M otor C ontrol U nit , uppermost three slide-in modules) in the orange rack outside the bunker. Over there one can check the motor is activated or not by the green LED at the front panel of the MCU's.
find the reference position of a motor
< motor name > refrun
example : t4tx refrun
moving a motor
dr < motor name > < absolute position >
example: dr t4tx 500
counting , take a single picture
The result of this commands depend on the used detector. In case of the He3-counter it is a single number. In the case of the Andor CCD it is a 2-D picture. In the case of the EMPL detector it can be a 2-D picture, a wavelength spectrum or a combination of it (depends on the used mode).
Every detector can use 2 different modes to determined how long it will count. The reference is ever the time or the signal of the primary beam monitor (this one is located behind the experimental shutter). To switch the to modes one can use the commands
counter mode timer or counter mode monitor .
The mode can be given also in the count command as a variable (see below). If the mode is not given with the count command the last used mode will be used again.
count < preset >
Count for a given time or monitor counts. Depends on the monitor mode.
count < counter mode > < preset >
Count for a given time or monitor counts depending on the chosen monitor mode.
shco < counter mode > < preset >
Count for a given time or monitor counts depending on the chosen monitor mode and automatically open and close the experimental shutter.
shcosi < counter mode > < preset >
Like the command before, but returns the value the He3-counter gets on the screen.
pcount < counter mode> < preset >
This command is useful if the spin flipper is used. It will measure both spin states by turn on and off the flipper with only one command.
scanning, if the CCD camera is used
hdbscan < motor name > < start value > < step size > < number of points > < counter mode > < preset >
example: hdbscan t4tx 150 1 301 monitor 100000
This command performed a single-axes scan for the given motor. For each point the whole CCD image is stored in the hdf-file.
hdbscansh < motor name > < start value > < step size > < number of points > < counter mode > < preset >
Same like before but with automatically open and closing of the experimental shutter.
scanning, if the He3 counter or EMBL detector is used
sscan < motor name > < start value > < end value > < number of points > < preset >
example : sscan t4tx 150 450 301 100000
This command performed a scan for the given motor. If more then one motor is used, the sequence < motor name > < start value > < end value > have to be repeated as often as needed.
example : sscan t4tx 150 450 t4ty -450 -150 301 100000
The example performs a 2 axis scan.
cscan < motor name > < center value > < step size > < number of steps > < preset >
This command performs a center-scan around the given center. The scans starts at center - step size * number of steps and ends at center + step size * number of steps.
scanning if the gaussmeter (3 d hall sensor) is used
gasc < start value > < stap value > < number of points >