Sample environment
- See special page for information about the Sample Environment
- Guide hall, at the cold neutron guide RNR12, supermirrorguide (m=2, height 12 cm, width 2 cm)
- Pyrolytic Graphite (002), vertically focusing, 5 crystals of 2.5 cm height
- Any wavelength between 2.3 Å and 5 Å is possible, standard wavelengths are 2.46 Å, 3.8 Å and 4.5 Å
- Optional secondary collimation (Gd-O Soller collimators)
- Oscillating Mylar-Gd2O3 radial collimator system between sample and detector
Detector system
- DMC is equipped with a new high-performance 3He detector with 2D readout, covering 132° in-plane and ±7° (14° in total) out-of-plane.
Instrument software
- NICOS (SINQ Instrument Control Software) for control of the measurement
- DMCpy for data reduction and data treatment
- SEA, TECS (Temperature Control Software) for control of sample environment
- FIT, FULLPROF, ... for data analysis
Resolution and Q-Range