Properties and Equipment

Sketch of MORPHEUS in the (polarised) reflectometry set-up. The options for single crystal diffraction are shown left and above the sample table.

Neutron Guide

cold source liquid D2
λpeak 0.4 nm
mean flux at monochromator 3.18·108 ns-1cm-2mA-1
coating Ni/Ti-supermirrors, m=2
cross section 35 mm x 120 mm
λc 0.17 nm


graphite (HOPG) mosaic: 0.5deg, 2θM = 33.2o to 129o, vertically focusing
Si (111), vertically focusing


FeCo/SI supermirror c(Ni), acceptance: 4 mm in width, full height, polarising efficiency: 99%
spin flipper Mezei-type, Cu coils


Fe/Si supermirror  


dimensions width: 0.05 mm to 80 mm, height: 0.05 mm to 80 mm

Sample Manipulation Table

ω-rotation -170o to 188o (± 0.002o)
2θ-rotation -125o to +130o (± 0.002o)
x/y-translation ± 18 mm
x/y-tilt ± 20o
options Euler cradle

Sample Magnet

maximum sample size 500 mm x 150 mm x 100 mm
maximum field -1000 G to +1000 G

Ultra Small Angle Neutron Scattering (ECHO)

crystals 2 double channelcut Si (111) single crystals
resolution 0.3 μm to 25 μm
q-range 2.5*10-5 Å-1 to 2*10-3 Å-1
peak intensity 600 s-1cm-2
peak to background 5*104