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Scientific Mission of Photon Science at SLS 2.0

The future scientific mission of photon science at SLS 2.0 will have its foundations firmly based on already established fields of excellence at PSI. Among others, the SLS to date has produced world-leading research in activities as varied as ptychography, native-SAD, full-field tomography, soft x-ray ARPES, and resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. All these techniques will profit considerably from the upgrade.

The strategy for the upgrade is first to ensure that all beamlines perform at least as well as prior to the upgrade; an initial selection of three to four beamlines will be redesigned to maximally exploit the enhanced brightness and/or the coherent fraction, while future new scientific directions will be simultaneously explored. A second round of upgrades of other beamlines is planned in 2025 to 2028.

A part of the upgrade program will be the incorporation of the ‘Digital Platform Initiative’, an element of the 2017 State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation (SERI) strategy document, ‘Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung uer Bildung und Forschung in der Schweiz’. It is planned that the SLS 2.0 project will spearhead a new age in Swiss large-scale projects of ‘digitalization’, heralding the widespread use of wireless communication, the ‘Internet of Things’, and the exploitation of machine learning.