Transport beam envelopes of the new µE4 beam line

In this mode the accepted solid angle is 135 msr and the momentum bite can be tuned between 5.0% and 9.5% (FWHM) by adjusting the horizontal slit in the second bending magnet ("ASK2"). The vertical(horizontal) beam envelope is shown in the upper(lower) half of the figure. The red curve is a 1.order calculation with dp/p=0%, the green one is a 1.order calculation for dp/p=3% and the black one is the corresponding 2.order beam extension. The momentum of the central trajectory is 28 MeV/c. The magnetic field values are given in kG.
In this mode the accepted solid angle is 5 msr and the momentum bite can be tuned between 1.8% and 11% (FWHM) by adjusting the horizontal slit in the second bending magnet ("ASK2"). The vertical(horizontal) beam envelope is shown in the upper(lower) half of the figure. The red curve is a 1.order calculation with dp/p=0%, the green one is a 1.order calculation for dp/p=3% and the black one is the corresponding 2.order beam extension. The pink envelope represents a 1.order calculation with dp/p=5%.