The Physical Properties of Materials Group


The Physical Properties of Materials Group prepares and characterizes advanced materials featuring novel structural, electric and magnetic properties. For these fundamental studies we use in-house equipment in combination with experiments at the PSI large scale facilities. 

Romaguera et al

Room temperature magnetoelectric magnetic spirals by design

Frustrated magnets with ordered magnetic spiral phases that spontaneously break inversion symmetry have received significant attention from both fundamental and applied sciences communities due to the experimental demonstration that some of these materials can couple to the lattice and induce electric polarization. In these materials, the common origin of the electric and magnetic orders guarantees substantial coupling between them, which is highly desirable for applications ...

Gawryluk et al

Magnetostructural Coupling at the Néel Point in YNiO3 Single Crystals

The recent discovery of superconductivity in infinite layer thin films and bulk Ruddlesden–Popper nickelates has stimulated the investigation of other predicted properties of these materials. Among them, the existence of magnetism-driven ferroelectricity in the parent compounds RNiO3 (R = 4f lanthanide and Y) at the onset of the Néel order, TN, has remained particularly elusive. Using diffraction techniques, we reveal here the existence of magnetostriction at TN in bulk YNiO3 single crystals. Interestingly, the associated lattice anomalies ...

Physical Properties of Materials Group 
Paul Scherrer Institut PSI
5232 Villigen PSI 

Dr. Nikita Shepelin 
Head of Group 
tel: +41 56 310 4525 
fax: +41 56 310 2688