Large scale 3-dimensional atomistic simulations of screw dislocations interacting with coherent twin boundaries in Al, Cu and Ni under uniaxial and multiaxial loading conditions
Dupraz M, Rao SI, Van Swygenhoven H
Acta Materialia. 2019; 174: 16-28.
Deformation and degradation of superelastic NiTi under multiaxial loading
Hsu W-N, Polatidis E, Šmíd M, van Petegem S, Casati N, van Swygenhoven H
Acta Materialia. 2019; 167: 149-158.
Impact of in situ nanomechanics on physical metallurgy
Kacher J, Kirchlechner C, Michler J, Polatidis E, Schwaiger R, Van Swygenhoven H, et al.
MRS Bulletin. 2019; 44(06): 465-470.
The interplay between deformation mechanisms in austenitic 304 steel during uniaxial and equibiaxial loading
Polatidis E, Šmíd M, Hsu W-N, Kubenova M, Capek J, Panzner T, et al.
Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing. 2019; 764: 138222 (7 pp.).
In situ tension-tension strain path changes of cold-rolled Mg AZ31B
Sofinowski K, Panzner T, Kubenova M, Čapek J, Van Petegem S, Van Swygenhoven H
Acta Materialia. 2019; 164: 135-152.
A crystallographic extension to the Olson-Cohen model for predicting strain path dependence of martensitic transformation
Zecevic M, Upadhyay MV, Polatidis E, Panzner T, Van Swygenhoven H, Knezevic M
Acta Materialia. 2019; 166: 386-401.
Dislocation interactions at reduced strain rates in atomistic simulations of nanocrystalline Al
Dupraz M, Sun Z, Brandl C, Van Swygenhoven H
Acta Materialia. 2018; 144: 68-79.
Load path change on superelastic NiTi alloys: In situ synchrotron XRD and SEM DIC
Hsu W-N, Polatidis E, Šmíd M, Casati N, Van Petegem S, Van Swygenhoven H
Acta Materialia. 2018; 144: 874-883.
A high resolution digital image correlation study under multiaxial loading
Polatidis E, Hsu W-N, Šmíd M, Van Swygenhoven H
Experimental Mechanics. 2018.
Mechanical response of stainless steel subjected to biaxial load path changes: cruciform experiments and multi-scale modeling
Upadhyay MV, Patra A, Wen W, Panzner T, Van Petegem S, Tomé CN, et al.
International Journal of Plasticity. 2018; 108: 144-168.
Intergranular Strain Evolution During Biaxial Loading: A Multiscale FE-FFT Approach
Upadhyay MV, Capek J, Van Petegem S, Lebensohn RA, Van Swygenhoven H
JOM: The Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society. 2017; 69(5): 839-847.
Stresses and strains in cruciform samples deformed in tension
Upadhyay MV, Panzner T, Van Petegem S, Van Swygenhoven H
Experimental Mechanics. 2017; 57(6): 905-920.
A Miniaturized Biaxial Deformation Rig for in Situ Mechanical Testing
Van Petegem S, Guitton A, Dupraz M, Bollhalder A, Sofinowski K, Upadhyay MV, et al.
Experimental Mechanics. 2017; 57(4): 569-580.
Study of lattice strain evolution during biaxial deformation of stainless steel using a finite element and fast Fourier transform based multi-scale approach
Upadhyay MV, Van Petegem S, Panzner T, Lebensohn RA, Van Swygenhoven H
Acta Materialia. 2016; 118: 28-43.
In-situ neutron diffraction during biaxial deformation
Van Petegem S, Wagner J, Panzner T, Upadhyay MV, Trang TTT, Van Swygenhoven H
Acta Materialia. 2016; 105: 404-416.
Picosecond pulsed laser for microscale sample preparation
Guitton A, Irastorza-Landa A, Broennimann R, Grolimund D, Van Petegem S, Van Swygenhoven H
Materials Letters. 2015; 160: 589-591.