One major commitment of the Electrochemistry Laboratory is education.
Below you find the Ph.D. theses completed in the Electrochemistry Laboratory. Habilitation theses are also listed.
Below you find the Ph.D. theses completed in the Electrochemistry Laboratory. Habilitation theses are also listed.
Characterization and Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Application of Bimetallic AerogelsETH Zürich, Nr.: 24919, (2018).Download: -
From liquid to solid electrolyte: interface investigation of model negative electrodes for Li-ion batteries
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 25215, (2018).Download:
Model catalysts fabricated via interference lithography and their electrochemical characterizationETH Zürich, Nr.: 24293, (2017).Download: -
Pressurized polymer electrolyte water electrolysis: electrochemical characterization and energetic evaluation
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 24476, (2017).Download:
Component development for all-vanadium redox flow batteries: Membrane design and cell characterization
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 24647, (2017).Download:
Investigation of the electrochemical reactions involved in all-vanadium redox flow cells
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 24590, (2017).Download:
Lithium chromium-based polyanions and derivatives as multiple-redox electrode materials in Li-ion batteries
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 24778, (2017).Download:
Radiation Grafted Membranes for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel CellsETH Zürich, (2016).Download: 4.2 MB -
Radiation-grafted polymer electrolyte membranes for water electrolysis
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 24058, (2016).Download: 3.45 MB
Transition metal diphosphonates, organic-inorganic hybrid electrode materials for Li-ion batteries
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23951, (2016).Download: 15.15 MB
Novel gas diffusion layers with patterned wettability for advanced water management strategies in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23941, (2016).Download: 10.09 MB
Elucidating interface reactions in Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors by in situ gas analysis
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23920, (2016).Download: 6.01 MB
From bulk to near-surface investigations of 5V lithium ion LiNi₀.₅Mn₁.₅O₄ vs graphite cells using operando techniques
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23906, (2016).Download: 14.61 MB
Unravelling the cell ageing phenomena in aprotic lithium-nickel-cobalt-manganese-oxide batteries
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23873, (2016).Download: 7.73 MB
Asymmetrically functionalized separator for lithium–sulfur battery with polysulfide barrier properties
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23786, (2016).Download: 9.08 MB
Reaction mechanism of Sn-based negative electrodes for Na-ion batteries
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23775, (2016).Download: 59.50 MB
The interplay between Pt electrocatalyst nanoparticles and metal oxide support materials: A perspective on electrocatalytic proper-ties, degradation, and X-ray scattering
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23685, (2016).Download: 154.80 KB
Design and characterization of strained epitaxial thin film model catalysts: A combined physical and electrochemical study
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23680, (2016).Download: 6.89 MB
Phosphoric acid electrolyte redistribution and loss in high temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23466, (2016).Download: 7.97 MB
Neutron radiography of polymer electrolyte fuel cells: From conventional towards energy selective neutron Imaging
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23308, (2016).Download: 56.17 MB
The Impact of metal oxides on the electrocatalytic activity of platinum catalystsETH Zürich, Nr.: 23106, (2015).Download: 20.32 MB -
Electrode degradation in high-temperature polymer electrolyte fuel cells: Characterization, mechanisms and mitigation
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 23084, (2015).Download: 11.19 MB
In situ characterization of electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries by Raman and IR microscopy
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 22294, (2014).Download: 12.10 MB -
Elucidation of the reaction mechanism of M₀.₅TiOPO₄ upon lithiation and delithiation
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 22295, (2014).Download: 12.10 MB
Chemical degradation of radiation grafted membranes for fuel cells
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 22197, (2014).Download: 11.07 MB
Antioxidants in radiation grafted membranes for fuel cells
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 22075, (2014).Download: 9.28 MB
Comonomer Effects in radiation grafted membranes for polymer electrolyte fuel cellsETH Zürich, Nr.: 21257, (2013).Download: 3.4 MB -
Graphite oxide and graphene oxide based electrode Materials for electrochemical double layer capacitors
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 21212, (2013).Download: 11 MB
Ionic liquids for electrochemical double layer capacitors
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 21213, (2013).Download: 26 MB
Kinetics and stage transitions of graphite for lithium-ion batteries
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 21240, (2013).Download: 10.67 MB
Local degradation of the membrane and catalyst support in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 20976, (2013).Download: 9 MB
X-ray tomographic microscopy of polymer electrolyte fuel cellsETH Zürich, Nr.: 20916, (2012).Download: 45 MB -
Analysis of water transport in polymer electrolyte fuel cells using neutron imaging
Nr.: 20548, ETH Zürich, (2012).Download: 5 MB -
Ortsaufgelöste Charakterisierung von Polymerelektrolyt-Brennstoffzellen in Kanal- und StegregionenNr. 20131, ETH Zürich, (2011).Download: 7 MB -
Start/stopp phenomena in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
Nr. 20132, ETH Zürich, (2011).Download: 15 MB
Reduzierung der Platinbeladung und Imaging von Alterungsphänomenen in der Polymerelektrolyt-Brennstoffzelle
Nr. 20142, ETH Zürich, (2011).Download: 12 MB
Degradation mechanisms of electrocatalysts used in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
Nr. 20133, ETH Zürich, (2011).Download: 28 MB
Elucidating the reaction mechanism of electrode materials for Li-ion batteries using in situ structural characterization
Nr. 20007, ETH Zürich, (2011).Download: 56 MB
Electrochemical and chemical surface modification of carbons for Li-ion batteries
Nr. 20006, ETH Zürich, (2011).Download: 3.4 MB
Model based transient analysis of polymer electrolyte fuel cells
Nr. 19992, ETH Zürich, (2011).Download: 17 MB
Influence des propriétés du graphite sur le premier cycle d'intercalation du lithium
Université de Haute-Alsace, (2011).Download:
Ein mehrdimensionales Impedanzmodell für PEMFCs
Nr. 19746, ETH Zürich, (2011).Download: 5.6 MB
Towards the reliable hybridization of electrochemical capacitors and rechargeable batteries
Nr. 19744, ETH Zürich, (2011).Download: Abstract
Pulsed Laser Deposition zur Herstellung von Modellphasengrenzen
für elektrochemische UntersuchungenNr. 19092, ETH Zürich, (2010).Download: 47 MB -
Anwendungen der in situ Ramanmikroskopie für Lithiumionen-Batterien
Nr. 19090, ETH Zürich, (2010).Download: Abstract
Investigations on radiation grafted polymer fuel cell membranes: Preparation, characterization, application
Nr. 18925, ETH Zürich, (2010).Download: 48 MB
Untersuchung der lokalen Gasphase in Polymer-Elektrolyt-Brennstoffzellen
Nr. 18883, ETH Zürich, (2010).Download: 13 MB
Oxide nanoparticles for electrodes in lithium-ion batteriesNr. 18648, ETH Zürich, (2009).Download: 6.0 MB -
Transport phenomena on the channel rib scale of polymer electrolyte fuel cells
Nr. 18509, ETH Zürich, (2009).Download: 8 MB
Simplification and Investigation of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells using Micro-patterned Glassy Carbon Flow Fields
Nr. 18508, ETH Zürich, (2009).Download: 21 MB
Charge Storage and Aging Phenomena in Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitors
Nr. 18400, ETH Zürich, (2009).Download: Abstract
Advanced Characterization of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells Using High Resolution Neutron Imaging.
Nr. 18397, ETH Zürich, (2009).Download: 17 MB
Radiation grafted ETFE based membranes for fuel cells: improved mechanical and oxidative stability
Nr. 18215, ETH Zürich, (2009).Download: 2.7 MB
Photoassisted Activation of Methane over Supported Catalysts with a Xenon Excimer LampNr. 18145, ETH Zürich, (2008).Download: 4.7 MB -
Sub-Millimeter Resolved Measurement of Current Density and Membrane Resistance in Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells (PEFC)
Nr. 17979, ETH Zürich, (2008).Download: 8.2 MB
Characterization of electrodes for Lithium-Ion batteries through electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and mas s spectrometry
Nr. 17848, ETH Zürich, (2008).Download: 4.7 MB
In situ synchrotron and neutron diffraction based methods for the characterization of cathodic materials for Lithium-Ion batteries.
Nr. 17847, ETH Zürich, (2008).Download: 5 MB
Synchrotron Radiation Grafting: A Lithographic Method to Create Polymer Micro- and Nanostructures
Nr. 17711, ETH Zürich, (2008).Download: 11 MB
Fabrication and characterization of micro-structured glassy carbon electrodes for miniaturized fuel cellsNo. 17309, ETH Zürich, (2007).Download: 31 MB -
Mass transport aspects of polymer electrolyte fuel cells under two-phase flow conditions.
Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg, (2007).Download: 18 MB
Die Platinkatalysatorschicht in Polymerelektrolyt-Brennstoffzellen - Beiträge zum Verständnis und zur Optimierung
Nr. 17127, ETH Zürich, (2007).Download: 11 MB
Radiation grafted fuel cell membranes with improved oxidative stabilityNo. 16995, ETH Zürich, (2006).Download: 3.3 MB -
In situ Raman microscopy of insertion electrodes for lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors
No. 16992, ETH Zürich, (2006).Download: 12 MB -
Mass and charge transfer on various relevant scales in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
PhD Thesis No. 16991, ETH Zürich, December 2006.No. 16991, ETH Zürich, (2006).Download: 8.8 MB -
In situ Charakterisierung von Polymer-Elektrolyt Brennstoffzellen mittels elektrochemischer Impedanzspektroskopie
No. 16929, ETH Zürich, (2006).Download: 7.7 MB
Investigation of current density inhomogeneities in polymer electrolyte fuel cells
No. 16905, ETH Zürich, (2006).Download: 6.8 MB
Methanol tolerant oxygen reduction catalysts derived from transition metal oxides
Nr. 16647, ETH Zürich, (2006).Download: 213 kB
Perovskite thin films deposited by pulsed reactive crossed beam laser ablation as model system for electrochemical applicationsETH Zürich, ().Download: -
In situ Massenspektrometrie und Röntgendiffraktometrie zur Charakterisierung von Elektroden für Lithiumionen-Batterien
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 16059, (2005).Download: Abstract
Synthese von Vinylverbindungen zur Darstellung oxidationsstabiler Membranen für die Brennstoffzellenanwendung
ETH Zürich, Nr: 15749, (2005).Download: 1.7 MB
Investigation of dimensional changes and film morphology at graphite electrodes in aprotic solutions by in situ atomic force microscopy
University of Bern, (2005).Download: 30 MB
Polymer Fuel Cells: Contributions to the understanding of CO-toleranceETH Zürich, Nr: 15525, (2004).Download: 6.5 MB -
New electroactive material for lithium-ion rechargeable batteries
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 15659, (2004).Download: 12 MB
Dynamics of the Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell: Experiments and Model-Based Analysis
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 15320, (2004).Download: 7.7 MB
Laser ablation of polymers studied by time resolved methods
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 15422, (2004).Download: 3 MB
Entwicklung eines flüssigkeitsgekühlten Polymer-Elektrolyt-Membran-Brennstoffzellenstapels mit einer Leistung von 6,5 kWETH Zürich, Nr. 14901, (2003).Download: 3.4 MB -
In situ Raman-Spektroskopie und Videomikroskopie an Lithium-Ionen-Batterien
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 15344, (2003).Download: 31 MB
Entwicklung eines Brennstoffzellenstapels für portable Aggregate unterschiedlicher Leistungsbereiche
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 15066, (2003).Download: Abstract
Die Polymer-Elektrolyt Brennstoffzelle: Charakterisierung ausgewählter Phänomene durch elektrochemische ImpedanzspektroskopieEPF Lausanne, Nr.: 2598, (2002).Download: 2.3 MB -
Electrocatalysis for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells: Metal Alloys and Model Systems
ETH Zürich, (2002).Download: 1.8 MB
Characterization and development of direct methanol fuel cells
ETH Zürich, (2002).Download: 5.1 MB
Block copolymer ionomers for ion conducting membranes
TU München, (2002).Download:
Structural modification of Cu/ZnO-based commercial and model catalysts during methanol reforming
ETH Zürich, (2002).Download: 5.2 MB
Entwicklung neuartig gebundener Kohlenstoffmaterialien für elektrische DoppeschichtkondensatorelektrodenETH Zürich, Nr.: 14413, (2001).Download: 8 MB -
Catalytic CO2 Reforming of Methane in a Dielectric Barrier Discharge
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 14205, (2001).Download: Abstract
Influence of Minerals on the Chemical Decomposition of Carbamate pesticides.
UV Laser induced Microstructuring of Novel PolymersETH Zürich, Nr.: 13856, (2000).Download: Abstract -
Modulation Techniques for the Application of FTIR/DRIFT Spectroscopy in Heterogeneous Catalysis
ETH Zürich, No. 13694, (2000).Download: 11 MB
Investigation of Nanoscale intercalation into graphite and carbon materials by in situ Scanning Probe Microscopy
University of Bern, (2000).Download: 5.1MB
Synthesis, Optimization and Characterization of Layered Electroactive Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 13751, (2000).Download: 11 MB
Préparation et Characterisation D'electrodes à Base de La0.6Ca0.4CoO3; Application à la Rèduction D'oxygéne en Millieu Alcalin
EPF Lausanne, Nr.: 2181, (2000).Download: 9 MB
Operating polymer electrolyte fuel cells with reformed fuel
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 13954, (2000).Download: 12 MB
1999 - 1994
Development and Characterization of Glassy Carbon Electrodes for a Bipolar Electrochemical Double Layer CapacitorETH Zürich, Nr.: 13292, (1999).Download: Abstract -
Untersuchung, Modellierung und Optimierung von positiven Elektroden für Lithium-Ionentransferbatterien
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 13237, (1999).Download: Abstract
Modifizierung und Charkterisierung von Modellelektroden zur Optimierung elektrokatalytischer Vorgänge in der Polymerelektrolyt-Brennstoffzelle
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 13397, (1999).Download: Abstract
Laser induced Modifications of Photopolymers and Mesophases containing Azo Chromophores
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 12636, (1998).Download: Abstract
In situ Scanning Probe Microscopy Untersuchungen an elektroaktiven Materialien
Universität Bern, (1998).Download:
Synthese und Charakterisierung von neuartigen Oxiden, Kohlenstoffverbindungen, Siliciden sowie nanostrukturierter Materialien und deren elektro- und magnetochemische Untersuchung
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 12281, (1997).Download: Abstract
Eximerlaser-Ablation von Polymeren und photochemsiche Untersuchungen an Modellsubstanzen
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 12076, (1997).Download: Abstract
Étude d’une batterie zinc-O2 recharchable selon une configuration bipolaire
EPF Lausanne, Nr. 1486, (1996).Download: 6 MB
Synthesen, elektrochemische, strukturelle und spektroskopische Untersuchungen zu Elektrodenmaterialien für Ionentransferbatterien
ETH Zürich, Nr. 11745, (1996).Download: Abstract
Untersuchungen zur Grenzfläche Elektrode/Polymerelektrolyt in der Polymerelektrolyt-Brennstoffzelle
ETH Zürich, Nr.: 11285, (1996).Download: Abstract
Anodische Oxidation von Reinstaluminium in sauren Elektrolyten
Universität Fribourg, Nr. 1073, (1994).Download: 15 MB