Fully equipped laboratory for the preparation of catalyst powders and catalyst-coated ceramic and metalic monoliths
Centrifuge, ball mill and laser scattering particle size distribution analyzer
Model gas test bench for measurements with SCR catalysts, DOC, hydrolysis catalysts, soot oxidation catalysts, methane oxidation catalysts, etc.
Model gas test bench for investigation of SCR catalysts and hydrolysis catalysts with liquid reducing agents
Gas analysis by FTIR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, chemiluminescence NO/NOx analyzer and FID
Liquid quench and adsorption apparatus according to VDI Standard 2462 for SO2/SO3 analytics and catalyst emission measurements
HPLC analytics for urea and alternative liquid reducing agents
TG-FTIR system for soot and material analysis with corrosive and condensable gases
TG-FTIR system with pulse box for material analysis
N2 physisorption measurements
UV/VIS spectrometer for catalyst characterization
Diffuse reflectance (DR) cell for UV/VIS spectrometer for catalyst characterization
DRIFT cell for analysis of catalyst surfaces