JSS glass corrosion database

Leach data from simulated nuclear waste glasses

This comprehensive database provides data from aqueous corrosion experiments on borosilicate glasses, either active or non-active simulants of nuclear waste glasses. The data stem from reports published as documentation of a joint Japanese-Swiss-Swedish (JSS) experimental program carried out between 1984 and 1988 at Paul Scherrer Institut (Switzerland) and Studsvik AB (Sweden) to study the dissolution kinetics of reprocessed high-level radioactive waste.

The data have been collected in an Excel file that offers the capability of selection according to different criteria such as temperature, solid/liquid ratio, solution type, pH, glass surface to solution volume ratio and materials added to the glass (Fe corrosion products, bentonite).

Download the database on nuclear waste glass corrosion as an Excel spreadsheet
Download the report describing the Excel spreadsheet and its use