Sample Environment


The properties of materials are determined by external parameters like temperature, magnetic field or pressure. The precise control of these parameters is essential to discover and study phenomena such as magnetism, superconductivity and structure. In neutron scattering the equipment to set temperature and field is frequently called "sample environment".

We support and perform research requiring temperature and magnetic field control. Our focus is on sample environment equipment for research with neutrons (see Sample Environment for SINQ) and muons. We develop special non-standard low temperature equipment, device novel experiment setups and cover the full hardware and software integration of sample environment equipment.

Our expertise ranges from cryogenic engineering, measurement techniques to software development and we contribute to projects at SINQ, SmuS SLS and SwissFEL.

Sample Environment Equipment for Neutron Scattering

Sample Environment Group
Laboratory for Neutron and Muon Instrumentation
Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
CH-5232 Villigen PSI