

This is a collection of groups at PSI working on the creation, preparation and characterization of Materials with the tools available at PSI. Either bulk materials (single crystals and/or powders) or thin film systems are prepared, and the structural characterization is undertaken with  x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy or neutrons. Magnetic characterization is performed with magnetometry, neutrons, muons or x-rays, and imaging with scanning probe microscopy, neutrons or x-rays.

Bulk Materials and Thin Film Preparation

Mesoscopic Systems

Prof. Dr. Laura Heyderman (ETHZ)
Pulsed Laser Deposition and Sputtering

Thin Films and Interfaces

Prof. Dr. Thomas Lippert
Pulsed Laser Deposition

Solid State Chemistry

Dr. Ekaterina Pomjakushina
Powders and Single Crystals

Sputtering Laboratory

Dr. Christine Klauser
Sputter Deposition

IS - X09LA: Surface / Interface: Spectroscopy

Prof. Milan Radovic
Pulsed Laser Deposition, Oxide MBE

Battery Materials and Diagnostics

Dr. Mario El Kazzi  
Powders and Thin Films

Electrocatalysis and Interfaces

Prof. Thomas J. Schmidt  
Powders and Thin Films

Laboratory for Catalysis and Sustainable Chemistry

Prof. Jeroen van Bokhoven, Dr. Marco Ranocchiari  
Synthesis and characterization of catalysts for energy-related processes (MOFs, zeolites) and organic synthesis

Bioenergy and Catalysis Laboratory

Prof. Oliver Kröcher, Dr. Davide Ferri  

Transport Properties and Structural Characterization

Physical Properties of Materials

Dr. Marisa Medarde
Electrical Resistance @ Low Temperatures and Magnetic Fields

Solid State Chemistry

Dr. Ekaterina Pomjakushina
Powder XRD, Laue Diffraction

Mesoscopic Systems

Prof. Dr. Laura Heyderman (ETHZ)
XRD Thin Films

Thin Films and Interfaces

Prof. Dr. Thomas Lippert
XRD Thin Films

MS - X04SA: Materials Science Beam Line

Dr. Nicola Casati
Synchrotron, Powder and Surface Diffraction 


HRPTHigh-Resolution Powder Diffractometer for Thermal Neutrons AMOR Apparatus for Multi Option Reflectometry DMC Powder diffractometer (cold neutrons) ZEBRA  Single crystal Diffractometer (thermal neutrons) POLDIMultiple pulse overlap diffractometer (thermal neutrons) ORION Two-axis diffractometer (cold neutrons) SANS   Small Angle Neutron Scattering

Electron Microscopy Facility at PSI (EMF)

Dr. Elisabeth Müller
Dr. Emiliya Poghosyan


Battery Materials and Diagnostics

Dr. Mario El Kazzi  
Operando XRD

Chemical Characterization

Solid State Chemistry

Dr. Ekaterina Pomjakushina
Micro X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)

Swiss Light Source (SLS)

Instruments @ SLS
SuperXAS  Beamline for X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) with enhanced chemical sensitivity and time resolution MicroXAS  XAS beamline (XAS and XRF) for experiments requiring a high spatial resolution NanoXAS  Combining Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microspectroscopy and Scanning Probe Microscopy. The NanoXAS station also provides the posibility to work at near ambient environmental conditions.IR  Combining Infrared Micro-Spectrometer

Electrocatalysis and Interfaces

Prof. Thomas J. Schmidt  

Battery Materials and Diagnostics

Dr. Mario El Kazzi  
Combined Raman and IR-Microscopy

Spectroscopy, Surfaces, Interfaces, Bandstructures

Laboratory for Neutron and Muon Instrumentation

Prof. Marc Janoschek, Dr. Marek Bartkoviak
Ultrasound Spectroscopy

Physical Properties of Materials

Dr. Marisa Medarde
Specific Heat, Dielectric Spectroscopy and Ferroelectric Characterization @ Low Temperatures and Magnetic Fields

Swiss Light Source (SLS)

Instruments @ SLS
ADRESS  Advanced Resonant Spectroscopies (ARPES, RIXS)PEARL  Photoemission and Atomic Resolution Laboratory SIM  Surfaces / Interfaces Microscopy SIS-COPHEE  Surface and Interface Spectroscopy - Complete Photoemission ExperimentSIS-HRPES  Surface and Interface Spectroscopy - High-resolution photoemission spectroscopy MS-Surf-Diffr  Materials Science Beamline - Surface Diffraction

Battery Materials and Diagnostics

Dr. Mario El Kazzi  


Some Instruments at SINQ are designed to do spectroscopy. These are FOCUS, a Time-of-flight spectrometer (cold neutrons), CAMEA, a Triple-axis spectrometer (cold neutrons), TASP, a Triple-axis spectrometer (polarized cold neutrons), and EIGER, a Triple-axis spectrometer (thermal neutrons).

a: Intensity plotted as function of energy and Q for MnF2 using plotCutQELine and 5 Q points. b: 3D visualisation of scattering intensity for MnF2. Transparent parts signify low intensity (from

Magnetic Characterization

Physical Properties of Materials

Dr. Marisa Medarde
Magnetometry, Susceptibility
PPMS (9T), MPMS (7T)


All Instruments at SINQ provide magnetic information of powder or single crystalline samples. Some instruments (AMOR, MORPHEUS) are also suitable for thin film characterization.

Laboratory for Muon Spin Spectroscopy

Instruments @ LMS
DOLLY    Multi Purpose Surface-Muon Instrument GPS     General Purpose Surface-Muon Instrument GPD  General Purpose Decay-Channel Spectrometer HAL-9500  High-field And Low temperature instrument LEM Low-Energy Muon Facility FLAME FLexible Advanced MuSR Environment

Swiss Light Source (SLS)

Instruments @ SLS (RIXS, Spin Resolved ARPES, XMCD, XLD, PEEM)
ADRESS  Advanced Resonant Spectroscopies SIM  Surfaces / Interfaces Microscopy SIS-COPHEE  Surface and Interface Spectroscopy - Complete Photoemission Experiment X-TREM  X-Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism under extreme Conditions


Applied Materials Group: Neutron Imaging and Engineering Diffraction

Instruments @ AMG
ICON    Imaging with Cold Neutrons NEUTRA   NEUtron Transmission RAdiography POLDI  A Materials Science Time-Of-Flight Neutron Diffractometer

Swiss Light Source (SLS)

Instruments @ SLS
cSAXS  A Coherent Small-Angle X-Ray Scattering Phoenix  Tender X-Ray microspectroscopy  PolLux  Highly Versatile Scanning Transmission X-Ray Microspectroscope TOMCAT  Tomographic Microscopy and Coherent Radiology Experiments

Materials Modelling

Condensed Matter Theory

Dr. Christopher Mudry
The activities of the Condensed Matter Theory (CMT) group focus on both applied and fundamental topics in condensed matter physics, material science, and the biological sciences.

Multiscale Materials Modelling

Dr. Matthias Krack
The Multiscale Materials Modelling (MMM) group focuses on the development and application of simulation methods based on density functional theory (DFT), empirical potentials (force fields), and kinetic Monte-Carlo (kMC).