- 1986 - 1992 study of physics in Leipzig and Berlin (Germany)
- 1992 diploma at the University Leipzig (Germany) under supervision of Prof. Dr. H. Bruchertseifer: Investigation of the decay of radioactive tungsten isotopes and their decay products.
- 1999 PhD at the University Bern (Switzerland) under supervision of Prof. Dr. H.W. Gäggeler and Prof. Dr. B. Eichler: Synthesis of neutron rich isotopes of heavy elements using xn- and alpha-xn reactions.
- 1999 - 2001 postdoc at the Institut of Hadrons- and Nuclearphysics at Research Center Rossendorf (Germany) as member of the DISTO- and HADES collaboration
- since 2001 staff scientist at the Paul Scherrer Institut
Research activities / Special interests
- development and setup of nuclear measurement systems (hard- and software)
- nuclear reactions for the synthesis of heaviest elements
- mathematical problems of poor counting statistics
- modeling of gas chromatographic experiments