As part of the ETH domain, a key mission of the LRT is to contribute to teaching and education.
For teaching, the LRT is responsible for the organization and realization of several courses and lectures within the framework of the Swiss joint ETHZ and EPFL nuclear engineering master program. Specialised teaching and/or training classes are also regularly conducted in the framework of international courses and/or offered to partners upon request.
Regarding education and in addition to hosting post-doctoral fellows, the LRT is also actively engaged in the realisation and supervision of research projects both at the undergraduate and graduate levels. For the former, the LRT offers on an annual basis, opportunities for master thesis and or trainee/internship projects. At the graduate level, the LRT continuously integrates PhD theses as part of its research programs. Finally, the LRT offers also opportunities for guest scientists, for instance in the framework of IAEA fellowships, to conduct specialized “hand-on” trainings in given competence areas of the laboratory via direct and on-site participation to on-going research projects and activities.
Master Theses and Trainees
See here for on-going as well as past LRT Master Theses and Trainee Projects.
For new topics and projects 2023-2024, please see here.
PhD Theses
See here for on-going as well as past PhD Theses.
Teaching and Lectures
Some of our members are involved in the ETHZ/EPFL nuclear engineering master program as follows:
Special Topics in Reactor Physics at EPFL
The primary responsibilities of the Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Systems Behaviour (LRS) at EPFL are teaching and research related to nuclear energy at the masters and doctoral levels. A wide range of R&D topics related to both operating and advanced nuclear power plants are being pursued by the LRS research teams at both EPFL and PSI.
Safety of Nuclear Power Plants at ETHZ
In this course, the students gain knowledge about safety concepts and requirements of nuclear power plants and their implementation in deterministic safety concepts and safety systems, knowledge about behavior under accident conditions and about the methods of probabilistic risk analysis and how to handle results. They also get introduction into key elements of the enhanced safety of nuclear systems for the future.
Nuclear Engineering Master Course at PSI
The Master Course of the 3rd semester of the Nuclear Engineering Master is taking place at PSI. Several people of LRT give lectures in different fields and topics.
Beyond Design Basis Safety
In this block, Comprehensive knowledge is provided on the phenomena during a Beyond Design Bases Accident (BDBA) in a Nuclear Power Plants (NPP), on their modeling as well as on countermeasures taken against radioactive releases into the environment, both by Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG), together with technical backfitting measures in existing plants and an extended design of new NPP.
Nuclear Computations Lab
This block is to acquire hands-on experience with the running of large computer codes in relation to the static analysis of nuclear reactor cores and the multi-physics simulation of nuclear power plant (NPP) dynamic behaviour.
General Contact
Research Division
Nuclear Energy and Safety (NES)
Laboratory for Reactor Physics and Thermal-Hydraulics (LRT)
Paul Scherrer Institute
5232 Villigen PSI
Hakim Ferroukhi
Head of the Laboratory
Office: OHSA/C10
Telephone: +41 56 310 4062
E-mail: hakim.ferroukhi@psi.ch
Petra Kull
Administration and Assistance
Office: OHSA/C18
Telephone: + 41 56 310 2685
E-mail: petra.kull@psi.ch
Quality Management
NES Open positions
Current job openings in the Research Division for Nuclear Energy and Safety