Prof. Dr. Christoph Bostedt

Head of Laboratory
Christoph Bostedt
Paul Scherrer Institut PSI
Forschungsstrasse 111
5232 Villigen PSI
Professor for Physical Chemistry
Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
Bâtiment CH - B1 375, Station 6
CH-1015 Lausanne

Laboratory for Ultrafast X-ray Sciences (LUXS)


Christoph Bostedt is holding a joint appointment of EPF (ETH) Lausanne and Paul Scherrer Institut. At PSI he is leading the Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation and Femtochemistry (LSF). Christoph moved to Switzerland in April 2018 from Argonne National Laboratory where he led the AMO research group and held a faculty coappointment at Northwestern University. Prior, he was a senior staff scientist at SLAC National Laboratory at the AMO instrument of the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and also holding a research affiliation at the Stanford Pulse Institute, and a senior scientist at the Technical University Berlin. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Hamburg based on research work at Lawrence Livermore and Berkeley National Laboratories. Christoph’s research interests revolve around single-shot imaging of nanometer sized samples and novel spectroscopy approaches at free-electron lasers. He is a fellow of the American Physial Society and recipient of the Röntgen Prize of the University of Giessen.


Head of the Laboratory for Synchrotron Radiation and Femtochemistry (LSF) in the Photon Science Division. Responsible for the strategy, operation, line and financial management of the laboratory, consisting of five research groups, operating four beamlines at the Swiss Light Source and the Alvra Endstation at SwissFEL. Christoph is involved in the Athos project with a focus on the new Maloja endstation for ultrafast and non-linear x-ray sciences as well as single-shot imaging applications. He is responsible for the strategic planning and optimal use of the large-scale facilities in the Photon Science Division for chemical research. He is spear-heading new initiatives and acquires funds for scientific research and instrumentation.


Christoph’s core research revolves around new applications, methods, and instrumentation for intense and ultrashort x-ray pulses to questions in chemical research and nanoscale sciences. He employs single-particle single-shot imaging to reveal ultrafast processes on the nanoscale. He develops novel approaches for x-ray pump / x-ray probe schemes for time-resolved and spatially-selective spectroscopy in molecular systems. He explores opportunities of non-linear x-ray spectroscopy for chemical research with the newly available few-femtosecond and attosecond x-ray pulses at free-electron lasers. In all these topics he collaborates closely with accelerator scientists, experimentalists, and theoreticians around the globe.


Over 150 published articles and 45 invited talks at international conferences and summer schools. For a full list see my profile on google scholar.

A few selected publications:

J.T. O’Neal, E.G. Champenois, S. Oberli, R. Obaid, A. Al-Haddad, J. Barnard, N. Berrah, R. Coffee, J. Duris, G. Galinis, D. Garratt, J.M. Glownia, D. Haxton, P. Ho, S. Li, X. Li, J. MacArthur, J.P. Marangos, A. Natan, N. Shivaram, D.S. Slaughter, P. Walter, S. Wandel, L. Young, C. Bostedt, P.H. Bucksbaum, A. Picón, A. Marinelli, and J.P. Cryan, Electronic Population Transfer via Impulsive Stimulated X-Ray Raman Scattering with Attosecond Soft-X-Ray Pulses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 073203 (2020).

P. J. Ho, B. J. Daurer, M. F. Hantke, J. Bielecki, A. Al Haddad, M. Bucher, G. Doumy, K. R. Ferguson, L. Flückiger, T. Gorkhover, B. Iwan, C. Knight, S. Moeller, T. Osipov, D. Ray, S. H. Southworth, M. Svenda, N. Timneanu, A. Ulmer, P. Walter, J. Hajdu, L. Young, F. R. N. C. Maia, C. Bostedt, The role of transient resonances for ultra-fast imaging of single sucrose nanoclusters, Nat. Commun 11, 167 (2020).

T. Nishiyama, Y. Kumagai, A. Niozu, H. Fukuzawa, K. Motomura, M. Bucher, Y. Ito, T. Takanashi, K. Asa, Y. Sato, D. You, Y. Li, T. Ono, E. Kukk, C. Miron, L. Neagu, C. Callegari, M. Di Fraia, G. Rossi, D. E. Galli, T. Pincelli, A. Colombo, T. Kameshima, Y. Joti, T. Hatsui, S. Owada, T. Katayama, T. Togashi, K. Tono, M. Yabashi, K. Matsuda, C. Bostedt, K. Nagaya, K. Ueda, Ultrafast Structural Dynamics of Nanoparticles in Intense Laser Fields. Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 123201 (2019).

R. Abela, A. Alarcon, J. Alex, C. Arrell, V. Arsov, S. Bettoni, M. Bopp, C. Bostedt, H.-H. Braun, M. Calvi, T. Celcer, P. Craievich, A. Dax, P. Dijkstal, S. Dordevic, E. Ferrari, U. Flechsig, R. Follath, F. Frei, N. Gaiffi, Z. Geng, C. Gough, N. Hiller, S. Hunziker, M. Huppert, R. Ischebeck, H. Johri, P. Juranic, R. Kalt, M. Kaiser, B. Keil, C. Kittel, R. Kunzi, T. Lippuner, F. Lohl, F. Marcellini, G. Marinkovic, C. Ozkan Loch, G. L. Orlandi, B. Patterson, C. Pradervand, M. Paraliev, M. Pedrozzi, E. Prat, P. Ranitovic, S. Reiche, C. Rosenberg, S. Sanfilippo, T. Schietinger, T. Schmidt, K. Schnorr, C. Svetina, A. Trisorio, C. Vicario, D. Voulot, U. Wagner, H. J. Worner, A. Zandonella, L. Patthey,R. Ganter, The SwissFEL soft X-ray free-electron laser beamline: AthosThis article will form part of a virtual special issue on X-ray free-electron lasers. J. Synchrotron Rad. 26, 1073 (2019).

T. Gorkhover, A. Ulmer, K. Ferguson, M. Bucher, F. Maia, J. Bielecki, T. Ekeberg, M.F. Hantke, B.J. Daurer, C. Nettelblad, J. Andreasson, A. Barty, P. Bruza, S. Carron, D. Hasse, J. Krzywinski, D.S.D. Larsson, A. Morgan, K. Muehlig, M. Mueller, K. Okamoto, A. Pietrini, D. Rupp, M. Sauppe, G. van der Schot, M. Seibert, J.A. Sellberg, M. Svenda, M. Swiggers, N. Timneanu, D. Westphal, G. Williams, A. Zani, H.N. Chapman, G. Faigel, T. Moeller, J. Hajdu, and C. Bostedt, Femtosecond X-ray Fourier holography imaging of free-flying nanoparticles, Nature Photonics 12, 150 (2018).

D. Rupp, L. Flückiger, M. Adolph, T. Gorkhover, M. Krikunova, J.P. Müller, M. Müller, T. Oelze, Y. Ovcharenko, B. Roben, M. Sauppe, S. Schorb, D. Wolter, R. Mitzner, M. Wostmann, S. Rolling, M. Harmand, R. Treusch, M. Arbeiter, T. Fennel, C. Bostedt, and T. Möller, Recombination-enhanced surface expansion of clusters in intense soft x-ray laser pulses, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 153401 (2016).

K. R. Ferguson, M. Bucher, T. Gorkhover, S. Boutet, H. Fukuzawa, J. E. Koglin, Y. Kumagai, A. Lutman, A. Marinelli, M. Messerschmidt, K. Nagaya, J. Turner, K. Ueda, G. J. Williams, P. H. Bucksbaum, and C. Bostedt, Transient lattice compression in the solid-to-plasma transition, Science Advances 2, 1500837 (2016).

T. Gorkhover, S. Schorb, R. Coffee, M. Adolph, L. Foucar, D. Rupp, A. Aquila, J. D. Bozek, S. W. Epp, B. Erk, L. Gumprecht, L. Holmegaard, A. Hartmann, R. Hartmann, G. Hauser, P. Holl, A. Hömke, N. Kimmel, K.-U. Kühnel, P. Johnsson, M. Messerschmidt, C. Reich, A. Rouzee, B. Rudek, C. Schmidt, J. Schulz, H. Soltau, S. Stern, G. Weidenspointner, B. White, J. Küpper, L. Strüder, I. Schlichting, J. Ullrich, D. Rolles, A. Rudenko, T. Möller, and C. Bostedt, Femtosecond and nanometer visualisation of structural dynamics in superheated nanoparticles, Nature Photonics 10, 93 (2016).

L.F. Gomez, K.R. Ferguson, J.P. Cryan, C. Bacellar, R.M.P. Tanyag, C. Jones, S. Schorb, D. Anielski, A. Belkacem, C. Bernando, R. Boll, J. Bozek, S. Carron, G. Chen, T. Delmas, L Englert, S.W. Epp, B. Erk, L. Foucar, R. Hartmann, A. Hexemer, M. Huth, J. Kwok, S.R. Leone, J.H.S. Ma, F.R.N.C. Maia, E. Malmerberg, S. Marchesini, D.M. Neumark, B. Poon, J. Prell, D. Rolles, B. Rudek, A. Rudenko, M Seifrid, K.R. Siefermann, F.P. Sturm, M. Swiggers, J. Ullrich, F. Weise, P Zwart, C. Bostedt, O. Gessner, A.F. Vilesov, Shapes and Vorticities of Superfluid Helium Nanodroplets, Science 345, 906 (2014).