We are operating the Electronics-Pool of the PSI Particle Physics Laboratory:
Since Jan. 2004 all "slow control modules" of the Midas Slow Control System (MSCB Home Page) and since 2010 the "DRS-4 evaluation boards" developed in the MEG Particle Physics project framework are available from the LTP Electronics-Pool of the NUM departement for all other PSI-Projects.
The DRS4 Evaluation Board is a 4 input-channel USB-powered "scope" with Analog Bandwiths of 750 MHz, selectable channel Sampling Rates from 500 MHz to 5 GHz and single event "depths" of 1024 Samples on each channel. It fully exploits the PSI/LTP analog ring sampling chip DRS 4 (based on switching capacitor technology), it allows for input voltages in the +/- 1 V range @ 50 Ohms. Originally designed just for test purposes this unit is now used by a lot of students as a small scale DAQ system.
The MSCB system is a fieldbus-like control system for experimental set-ups based on various hardware modules developed at PSI and a communication protocol definition implemented into some sample software modules (C, LabView VI's and LabView drivers). "Submaster" nodes are connected to a PC via the parallel port, via USB or via ETHERNET to control all client nodes connected to a serial bus. Various client nodes exist for analog I/O, digital I/O, temperature measurement and high voltage control. A presentation from Stefan Ritt is available as mscb.pdf.
For various types of Silicon-PhotoMultipliers (SiPM's, MPPC's, etc. ...) we developed biasing and high bandwidth readout circuits for many different applications. Some of this basic units are available from the Electronics Pool after configuration according to specifications.