Welcome to the Microscopy and Magnetism Group

The Microscopy and Magnetism Group has a long experience in synchrotron based experiments in condensed matter physics. In particular we study electronic and magnetic properties of thin films, multilayers, and bulk systems of metals and oxides, 3d- and 4f - electron systems employing X-ray microscopy and spectroscopy. We operate and further develop two beamlines at the SLS the SIM and the X-TREME. At these beamlines we perform our research and provide support for external users with various endstations with capabilities ranging from X-ray scattering and absorption experiments to pump probe techniques using femtosecond lasers to photoemission electron microscopy.
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  • NCCR MUST, Phase II+III (National Center of Competence in Research from the Swiss National Science Foundation) Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology
  • IFOX (FP7 Collaborative Project), Interfacing Oxides
  • Fantomas (FP7 Marie Curie Initial Training Network), Femtosecond Opto-Magnetism and Novel Approaches to Ultrafast Magnetism at the Nanoscale
  • Ultramagnetron (FP7 Collaborative Project), Ultrafast All-Optical Magnetization Reversal for Magnetic Recording and Laser-Controlled Spintronics
  • MaNEP - Phase III (NCCR Programme of the Swiss National Science Foundation), Materials with Novel Electronic Properties+ follow up network MaNEP
  • NCCR Nanoscale Science/Swiss Nanoscience Institute (SNI)
  • Carlos Vaz is the new beamline scientist at SIM.
  • Urs Staub is the new leader of the MM Group.
  • Frithjof Nolting is the new head of the Laboratory Condensed Matter Physics at the SLS.

Magnetismus untersucht mit Neutronen/Photonen (Lecture at Uni Basel FS13)

Michel Kenzelmann (PSI-LDM) und Frithjof Nolting (PSI-LSC)

Beginn: Mi. 27.2.2013 (9:00 - 11 Uhr), 2 Kreditpunkte

Kontakt: michel.kenzelmann@psi.ch; frithjof.nolting@psi.ch

Neutronen und Photonen ermöglichen faszinierende Einsichten in den elektronischen und magnetischen Aufbau von Materialien. In dieser Vorlesung werden die Grundlagen von Experimenten mit Neutronen und Photonen an Grossforschungsanlagen erklärt. Die Vielfältigkeit von Grossforschungsexperimenten wird mit Beispielen von Experimenten an magnetischen Festkörpern und Dünnschicht-Systemen bis hin Nanostrukturen erläutert. Ziel dieser Vorlesung ist es die Möglichkeiten dieser Techniken kennenzulernen und dabei einen vertieften Einblick in magnetische Materialien zu erhalten.


Einführung, Typen von Neutronen- und Photononquellen, Grundlagen Magnetismus, Grundlagen Wechselwirkung von Photonen und Neutronen mit Materie, Materialstrukturen untersucht mit Diffraktion, Magnetismus untersucht mit Diffraktion, Reflektometrie/Oberflächen, X-ray Absorption Spektroskopie, Imaging, Inelastische Streuung, Zeitaufgelöste Messungen, Multiferroische Materialien

Download Flyer: Neutronen_Photonen_FS13.pdf

Empfohlene Literatur

  • Für Neutronenstreuung: Gordon L. Squires, Introduction to the theory of thermal neutron scattering, Cambridge University Press, 1978.
  • Für Photonen: Philip Willmott, An Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation – Techniques and Applications, Wiley 2011
  • Photonen und Magnetismus: J. Stöhr, H.C. Siegmann, Magnetism – From Fundamentals to Nanoscale Dynamics, Springer 2006
  • Für die Grundlagen des Magnetismus: Stephen Blundell, Magnetism in Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press, 2001.

Tutorial Day about Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics

Speakers: Christoph Hauri (PSI/EPFL), Jan Lüning (Paris), and Peter Oppeneer (Uppsala)

The study of ultrafast magnetization dynamics is a fascinating and fast moving area of research. This tutorial day is directed at PhD students and Postdocs who started or want to start to work in this field. The aim is to provide some basic knowledge about modern ultrafast magnetization dynamics theory and advanced experiments using for example X-ray free electron lasers or terahertz radiation.

The tutorial day will take place on Tuesday, 19th June 2012 in WSLA/008 in the SLS hall at PSI. For details, see this Flyer.
Contact: frithjof.nolting@psi.ch

Special Session on Magnetism at Interfaces at the SPS Annual Meeting 2012

The ability to control the properties of interfaces has lead to important applications in nowadays electronic and magnetic devices. The continuing demand on miniaturization will further stimulate intense research efforts on interfaces in the field of condensed matter physics. This session focuses at magnetic phenomena at interfaces in systems with different length scales ranging from thin films to nanostructures, clusters or molecules on surfaces. The meeting aims to provide a platform for interdisciplinary discussions and will consist of invited and contributed presentations.

We are organizing this special session at the SPS annual meeting 2012 being held in June in Zürich. For details, see this link.
Contact: armin.kleibert@psi.ch