
Graduation of Tiancheng Zhong

Tiancheng Zhong succesfully defends his thesis

Tiancheng Zhong has contributed to the Mu3e tile detector and performed detailed irradiation studies. He has now successfully defended his thesis at Heidelberg University. 

The Mu3e Collaboration at the Bristol meeting

Collaboration meeting in Bristol

The Mu3e collaboration met st the University of Bristol for three days in June. We discussed the production and assembly of the detector with a focus on the outer pixel layers and the software, firmware and infrastructure needed for the commissioning.

MAMI beam test set-up

Beam test of pixel sensors at MAMI Mainz

We spent a week at the MAMI electron accelerator in Mainz testing MuPix11 pixel sensors. In particular we studied the behaviour at high rates, tested various operation points and took data for parametrising the sensor response in the simulation.

Mu3e Wengen 2023: HiMB Presentation

Mu3e Collaboration Workshop in Wengen

The Mu3e Collaboration met for four days in Wengen in the Bernese Alps for an intense workshop. We discussed finalizing, commissioning and calibrating the first phase of the Mu3e experiment. A lot of space was also given to developments needed for the second phase of the experiment at higher muon rates, such as very high speed pixel detectors.

Event display of a cosmic muon track in the Mu3e vertex detector

Cosmic Run at PSI

We assembled a Mu3e vertex detector prototype and a ribbon of the fibre detector with their associated data acquisition (DAQ) at PSI. This setup was used to develop commissioning and tuning procedures for the sensors, advance DAQ integration, develop user interfaces, check timing and finally to detect cosmic ray muons passing through the set-up.

Mu3e Collaboration Group Picture

Mu3e Collaboration Meeting at PSI

After two years of virtual meetings, we held our first in-person collaboration meeting at PSI. We discussed the plans for detector construction and quality assurance, detector calibration and early physics analysis.

Dr Heiko

Heiko Augustin sucessfully defends his thesis on the development of the MuPix pixel sensors

Heiko Augustin co-developed and characterised many of the MuPix pixel sensor prototypes and introduced innovative solutions for the pixel control and the reduction of on-chip cross-talk. He now defended his thesis at Heidelberg University.

Mechanical Integration Mock-Up

Mechanical Integration Mock-Up

We have built a mock-up of the detector using a mix of final mechanics and PCBs, 3D-printed models as well as cables and tubes in order to establish the assembly procedure for the experiment and make sure everything fits into the extremely tight space.

Ioannis Paraskevas

Ioannis Paraskevas successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis on Mu3e commissioning

Ioannis Paraskevas commissioned the solenoid magnet and Mu3e beamline, developing simulations and carrying out measurements prior to the first Mu3e integration run. He also performed a study of fake tracks in simulation. He successfully defended his thesis during a virtual viva at University College London. Congratulations!