
Zürich Collaboration Meeting

Collaboration Meeting at University of Zürich

The Mu3e collaboration met for three days at University of Zürich to discuss detector integration, progress in the subsytems and plans for detector commissioning. 

PhD Defense Damaynova

Antoaneta Damyanova successfully defends her Ph.D. thesis on the Mu3e SciFi detector

Antoaneta Damyanova developed the scintillating fiber detector from fiber characterization to prototype construction and evaluation, SiPM array perfromance studies, and mechanical integration. She has successfully defended her thesis at Geneva University.

Kirk Arndt

The Mu3e collaboration grieves for Kirk Arndt

We lost a very good friend and wonderful colleague.

Dr. Ulrich Hartenstein

Ulrich Hartenstein successfully defends his Ph.D. thesis on track-based alignment of the Mu3e detector

Ulrich Hartenstein developed algorithms for aligning the Mu3e detector using reconstructed particle tracks. Today he successfully defended his thesis at the university of Mainz. 


Meeting on Mu3e detector construction in Wengen

We spent four days in Wengen, Switzerland going over the details of the Mu3e detector and discussing the procedures for producing and integrating the sub-detectors. Safety, powering, cooling, electronics and readout were also among the topics.

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Lennart Huth successfully defends his thesis on the MuPix telescope and pixel sensor characterization

Lennart Huth has developed the MuPix beam telescope and used it in a long series of test beams to characterize MuPix sensors. He has successfully defended his thesis at Heidelberg university. 

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Sebastian Dittmeier successfully defends his thesis on the Mu3e data acquisition system

Sebastian Dittmeier has developed many important parts of the Mu3e data acquisition system, which has allowed him to perform the first successful vertical slice test of the readout system. He has now successfully defended his thesis, which also involves a study of wireless readout systems at 60 GHz, at Heidelberg university.


Collaboration meeting in Liverpool

The Mu3e collaboration met for three days at the University of Liverpool to discuss integration and assembly of the experiment and recent progress for all subdetectors.


Simon Corrodi successfully defends his thesis on the Mu3e fibre detector

Simon Corrodi has made important contributions to all aspects of fibre detector development, ranging from simulation and reconstruction via fibre characterization and mechanical integration to data acquisition and electronics. He has now successfully defended his thesis at ETH Zürich.