How to Order Beamtime?

There are just few steps to obtain the beam time for your experiment at PIF:

we respond to you to clarify basic aspects of the irradiation campaign -

  • technical details: beam parameters, dimensions of your apparatus, cables and voltages etc.
  • administrative objectives: visitors, test dates, permissions, delivery, customs etc.
  • financing: related to if tests are purely industrial or space agency or university program
  • scientific side: results publishing, further tests, calculations etc..

2. Fill out the Beam Time Request form and return it to us by email to

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.



This Beam Time Purchase Order should contain the following information:
  • our beam Time Offer Number
  • billing address
  • Beam Time Purchase Order Number.
  • If you require other details on our invoice, please also provide them as well.
The Beam Time Purchase order should be sent to the following address:

Paul Scherrer Institut
Mrs. A. Van Loon-Govaerts
Villigen PSI

You may also send it as PDF File by email to or fax it to +41 56 310 3120.

The details and date of your experiment are now set. The preparations start and we await you in PSI.
Don't hesitate to contact us for further questions.

Please note:
no PIF Beam Time will be guaranteed without the Beam Time Purchase Order being sent to our administration.

Customs formalities

Foreign groups who intend to import/export their equipment to/from PSI are requested to read PSI import Guidelines prior to importation.

For more details please contact the PSI administration officer:

Paul Scherrer Institut
Mr. Andre Teixeira
PSI Purchasing Office
CH-5232 Villigen PSI

Tel.: +41 (0)56 310 2913
Fax: +41 (0)56 310 2914