Conference Articles

Every year, several important international and national conferences and meetings take place. Our scientists, post docs and students are regularly invited to take part, write a conference paper and have presentations.

Please find here a selection of conferences:

  • NURETH - International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermalhydraulics
  • ICONE - International Conference of Nuclear Engineering
  • NUTHOS - International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety
  • ICAPP - International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants
  • NENE - International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe
  • ANS Student Conference
  • ERMSAR - European Review Meeting on Severe Accidents Research



  • D'Alessandro C, Lind T, Périllat R, Blondet G
    Preliminary strategies for training dataset generation and surrogate modelling of station blackout management measures in PWR
    In: Gabrielli F, Herranz LE, Paci S, eds. Proceedings of the 11th European review meeting on severe accidents research (ERMSAR2024). Stockholm: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT); 2024:026 (12 pp.).
  • Ramos Perez A, Lind T, Petrov V, Manera A, Prasser HM
    Aerosol retention measurements with Wire-mesh sensors: an experimental and computational approach
    In: SWINTH-2024: Specialist workshop on advanced instrumentation and measurement techniques for nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics and severe accidents. Dresden: K.I.T. Group; 2024:002 (14 pp.).
  • Ramos Perez A, Lind T, Petrov V, Manera A, Prasser H-M
    Local measurements on particle mass transfer in gas-liquid flows
    In: Gabrielli F, Herranz LE, Paci S, eds. Proceedings of the 11th European review meeting on severe accidents research (ERMSAR2024). Stockholm: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT); 2024:015 (12 pp.).


  • Espegren F, Suckow D, Lind T, Mantzaras J, Theile J
    Methyl iodide retention in Ag-Zeolite material under filtered containment venting system condition
    In: 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:3759-3771.
  • Ishikawa Y, Endo K, Narabayashi T, Suckow D, Espegren F, Lind T, et al.
    Advanced FCVS system using silver zeolite AgX, AgR and XeA
    In: 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:4248-4255.
  • Ishikawa Y, Endo K, Kobayashi T, Narabayashi T, Kawahara Y, Suckow DJ
    Advanced radioactive material removal system using silver zeolite (3) filtered containment venting system (FCVS) hydrogen measures
    In: Proceedings of the 2023 30th international conference on nuclear engineering ICONE30. Vol. 30. sine loco: Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers; 2023:1-3.
  • Lind T, Kalilainen J, Marchetto C, Beck S, Nakamura K, Kino C, et al.
    OECD/NEA ARC-F project: summary of fission product transport
    In: 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:4796-4809.
  • Malicki M, Darnowski P, Lind T
    The iPWR MELCOR 2.2 parametric sensitivity analysis
    In: 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:4220-4233.
  • Mantzaras J, Arumugan VK, Theile J, Suckow D, Espegren F, Lind T
    Recombination of hydrogen and carbon monoxide on silver-based zeolites in the presence of steam and at pressures up to 3 bar
    In: 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:4020-4033.
  • Ramos Perez A, Lind T, Manera A, Petrov V, Prasser H-M
    Measurement of aerosol mass transfer and hydrodynamics in a bubble column using Wire-Mesh sensors
    In: 20th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-20). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2023:2402-2415.


  • Espegren F, Suckow D, Lind T, Mantzaras J, Theile J, Ishikawa Y, et al.
    Effectiveness of hydrogen recombination by AgX and AgR zeolites
    In: Gabrielli F, Herranz LE, Paci S, eds. Proceedings of the 10th European review meeting on severe accidents research (ERMSAR2022). Severe accident research eleven years after the Fukushima accident. sine loco: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT); 2022:330 (14 pp.).
  • Gupta S, Herranz LE, Lebel LS, Sonnenkalb M, Pellegrini M, Marchetto C, et al.
    Integration of pool scrubbing research to enhance source-term calculations (IPRESCA) project
    In: 19th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-19). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2022:33970 (16 pp.).
  • Lind T, Kalilainen J, Nichenko S
    MSR simulation with cGEMS: salt and fission product evaporation
    In: Gabrielli F, Herranz LE, Paci S, eds. Proceedings of the 10th European review meeting on severe accidents research (ERMSAR2022). Severe accident research eleven years after the Fukushima accident. Karlsruhe: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT); 2022:272 (12 pp.).
  • Malicki M, Lind T, Kalilainen J
    The parametric sensitivity analysis of FPT-1 MELCOR 2.2 input deck as a preparation for uncertainty quantification study
    In: Gabrielli F, Herranz LE, Paci S, eds. Proceedings of the 10th European review meeting on severe accidents research (ERMSAR2022). Severe accident research eleven years after the Fukushima accident. Karlsruhe: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT); 2022:274 (14 pp.).
  • Mantzaras J, Theile J, Suckow D, Lind T, Espegren F, Ishikawa Y, et al.
    Experimental investigation of hydrogen removal WITH Ag-zeolites under severe accident conditions
    In: 19th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-19). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2022:35581 (14 pp.).
  • Mascari F, Bersano A, Massone M, Agnello G, Coindreau O, Beck S, et al.
    First outcomes from the phebus FPT1 uncertainty application done in the EU-MUSA project
    In: 19th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-19). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2022:35666 (16 pp.).
  • Park S, Lind T, Birchley J, Steinbrueck M
    Current understanding of high-temperature oxidation phenomena during air ingress scenarios
    In: Gabrielli F, Herranz LE, Paci S, eds. Proceedings of the 10th European review meeting on severe accidents research (ERMSAR2022). Severe accident research eleven years after the Fukushima accident. Karlsruhe: Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT); 2022:284 (10 pp.).
  • Roth B, Suckow D, Dehbi A
    Experimental study of pool scrubbing related bubble hydrodynamics in the globule flow regime
    In: 19th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-19). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2022:35574 (15 pp.).


No Conference Articles in 2021


No Conference Articles in 2020


  • Fernandez Moguel L, Lind T, Rýdl A
    Analysis of fission product transport in unit 3 of Fukushima Daiichi
    In: 18th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-18). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:508-521.
  • Herranz LE, Pellegrini M, Lind T, Sonnenkalb M, Godin-Jacqmin L, López C, et al.
    Overview and outcomes of the OECD/NEA benchmark study of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS (BSAF) phase II – results of severe accident analyses for Unit 1
    In: 18th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-18). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:1107-1118.
  • Jäckel BS, Lind T, Fernandez-Moguel L, Steinbrück M, Park S
    Application of a newly developed computer code model for nitriding and re-oxidation of cladding materials on separate effect tests and integral experiments
    In: Proceedings of the ERMSAR 2019. sine loco: sine nomine; 2019:024 (14 pp.).
  • Kalilainen J, Lind T, Stuckert J, Stegmaier U
    Aerosol results of the QUENCH-18 bundle test
    In: Proceedings of the ERMSAR 2019. sine loco: sine nomine; 2019:019 (11 pp.).
  • Lind T, Campbell S, Herranz LE, Kissane M, Song JH
    A summary of fission-product-transport phenomena during SGTR severe accidents
    In: 18th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-18). La Grange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:4063-4075.
  • Lind T, Pellegrini M, Herranz LE, Sonnenkalb M, Nishi Y, Tamaki H, et al.
    Overwiew and outcomes of the OECD/NEA benchmark study of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS (BSAF) phase II – results of severe accident analyses for Unit 3
    In: 18th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-18). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:1133-1146.
  • Manara D, Jacquemain D, Van Dorsselaere JP, Bottomley PD, Adorni M, Journeau C, et al.
    Severe accident research priority ranking: a new assessment eight years after the Fukushima Daiichi accident
    In: Proceedings of the ERMSAR 2019. sine loco: sine nomine; 2019:1-25.
  • Papadopoulos P, Tietze S, Suckow D, Ceder SJ, Roth B, Lind T
    Hydrodynamic characterisation inside a wet scrubber for different flow regimes relevant for pool scrubbing and FCVS
    In: Proceedings of the ERMSAR 2019. Prague: AF POWER agency; 2019:028 (10 pp.).
  • Pellegrini M, Herranz L, Sonnenkalb M, Lind T, Maruyana Y, Gaunt R, et al.
    Main findings, remaining uncertainties and lessons learned from the OECD/NEA BSAF project
    In: 18th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-18). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:1147-1162.
  • Sonnenkalb M, Pellegrini M, Herranz LE, Lind T, Morreale AC, Kanda K, et al.
    Overview and outcomes of the OECD/NEA benchmark study of the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi NPS (BSAF) phase II – results of severe accident analyses for unit 2
    In: 18th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-18). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society (ANS); 2019:1119-1132.


  • Beghi I, Tietze S, Lind T, Prasser H-M
    Effect of hydrodynamics on the retention of iodine in a wet scrubber
    In: International congress on advances in nuclear power plants (ICAPP 2018). Vol. 1. Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2018:302-309.
  • Jäckel BS, Lind T, Fernandez-Moguel L, Steinbrück M, Park S
    Development of a computer code model for nitriding and re‐oxidation of cladding materials under severe accident conditions
    In: Proceedings of the international conference nuclear energy for New Europe (NENE 2018). Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia; 2018:506.1 (8 pp.).
  • Kalilainen J, Kim H, Dehbi A, Lind T
    Aerosol depletion in natural circulation in simplified geometry
    In: International congress on advances in nuclear power plants (ICAPP 2018). Vol. 1. Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2018:571-577.
  • Kalilainen J, Lind T, Prasser H-M
    Loss of forced cooling accident analysis of HTR-PM using MELCOR 2.2 code
    In: Proceedings of HTR 2018. sine loco: sine nomine; 2018:(7 pp.).
  • Papadopoulos P, Lind T, Prasser H-M
    Analyzing droplet size distributions inside a self-priming venturi scrubber for filtered containment venting systems
    In: Proceedings of the 2018 26th international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE26). Thermal hydraulics and safety analyses. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2018:ICONE26-82227 (7 pp.).
  • Prasser H-M, Janasz F, Suckow D, Szogradi M
    Non-condensable gas plugging and mixing behavior in PWR steam generator tubes during reflux condensation
    In: Proceedings of the 26th international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE26). Thermal hydraulics and safety analyses. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2018:ICONE26-82350 (10 pp.).
  • Vitullo F, Krepel J, Kalilainen J, Prasser H-M, Pautz A
    Statistical burnup distribution of moving pebbles in HTR-PM reactor
    In: Proceedings of the 26th international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE26). Student Paper Competition. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2018:ICONE26-81082 (10 pp.).

Analyzing Droplet Size Distributions inside a Self-Priming Venturi Scrubber for FCVS
P. Papadopoulos, T. Lind, H.-M. Prasser
ICONE 2018: 26th International Conference on Nuclear engineering London, UK, July 22-26, 2018


  • Albiol T, Herranz L, Riera E, Dalibart C, Lind T, Del Corno A, et al.
    The European PASSAM project: R&D outcomes towards enhanced severe accident source term mitigation
    In: International congress on advances in nuclear power plants. 2017 international congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP 2017 - a new paradigm in nuclear power safety, proceedings. sine loco: International congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP; 2017:(10 pp.).
  • Aounallah Y
    Post-dryout heat transfer assessment of trace
    In: 37th annual conference of the canadian nuclear society and 41st annual cns/cna student conference. Canadian Nuclear Society; 2017.
  • Aounallah Y
    Simulations with TRACE of a BWR/4 steam line break under "hot standby" conditions
    In: 37th annual conference of the canadian nuclear society & 41st CNS/CNA student conference 2017. Vol. 1. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Canadian Nuclear Society; 2017:218-228.
  • Aounallah Y
    TRACE/S3K code coupling simulations of a BWR/4 anticipated transient without scram
    In: Proceedings of the 37th annual conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society & 41st CNS/CNA student conference 2017. Vol. 2. Toronto: Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS); 2017:1000-1013.
  • Coindreau O, Jäckel B, Rocchi F, Alcaro F, Angelova D, Bandini G, et al.
    Severe accident code-to-code comparison for two accident scenarios in a spent fuel pool
    Presented at: 8th European review meeting on severe accident research (ERMSAR 2017); May 16-18, 2017; Warsaw, Poland.
  • Cozzo C, Bertsch J, Fave L, Rahman S, Dokhane A, Krack M, et al.
    SiC cladding behavior: experiments and modelling at PSI
    Presented at: Water reactor fuel performance meeting 2017 (WRFPM 2017); September 10-14, 2017; Jeju, Korea.
  • Dehbi A, Kelm S, Kalilainen J, Mueller H
    The influence of thermal radiation on the free convection inside enclosures
    Presented at: 8th European review meeting on severe accident research (ERMSAR 2017); May 16-18, 2017; Warsaw, Poland.
  • Jaeckel B, Steiner P, Klügel J-U
    Progression of postulated loss-of-cooling accidents in the wet storage pool of NPP Gösgen/Däniken
    In: Proceedings of NENE 2017. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia; 2017:402.1 (8 pp.).
  • Mukin R, Clifford I, Ferroukhi H, Seidl M
    Thermal hydraulic analysis of PWR assembly bowing using subchannel code COBRA-TF
    Presented at: 17th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH 2017); September 3-8, 2017; Xi'an, China.
  • Mukin R, Puragliesi R, Ceuca SC, Austregesilo H, Bousbia Salah A
    Thermal mixing assessment using 3-D thermal-hydraulic and CFD codes
    Presented at: 17th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH 2017); September 3-8, 2017; Xi'an, China.
  • Rýdl A, Lind T, Fernandez-Moguel L
    Modeling of fission roduct scrubbing in experiments and in integral severe accident scenarios
    Presented at: 8th European review meeting on severe accident research (ERMSAR 2017); May 16-18, 2017; Warsaw, Poland.
  • Szogradi M, Janasz F, Ki-Yong C
    Reflux condensation with various non-condensable gases
    In: Proceedings of the 3nd world congress on mechanical, chemical, and material engineering (MCM'17). Orléans, ON, Canada: Avestia, International ASET Inc.; 2017:168 (8 pp.).

Aerosol measurements in the QUENCH-ALISA test
J. Kalilainen, T.M. Lind, U. Stegmaier
23rd QUENCH Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany

Status Report on Nitriding Model
B.S. Jäckel, S. Park, L. Fernandez-Moguel
23rd QUENCH Workshop, Karlsruhe, Germany

Analysis of Oxidation and Nitriding Experiments of Zircaloy-4 Cladding
B.S. Jäckel, S. Park, L. Fernandez-Moguel
2nd NuFuel Conference, Lecco, Italy

A large Eddy simulation of particle removal in a room-sized differentially heated cavity
A. Dehbi, J. Kalilainen, T.M. Lind
EAC, Zürich, Switzerland

Droplet Size Estimation inside a Self-Priming Venturi Scrubber by Shadowgraphy
L. Perez, P. Papadopoulos, H.-M. Prasser
ENYGF, Manchester, UK


  • Albiol T, Herranz L, Riera E, Dalibart C, Lind T, Del Corno A, et al.
    Preliminary insights from the PASSAM project: investigation on enhancement of source term mitigation
    In: Proceedings of the 11th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-11). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2016:N11P0580 (14 pp.).
  • Aounallah Y
    Simulations of level-swell experiments with TRACE
    Presented at: 11th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-11); October 9-13, 2016; Gyeongju, Korea.
  • Clifford I, Zerkak O, Pautz A, Yao H, Freixa J
    System code validation series based on a consistent plant nodalisation of the ROSA/LSTF integral test facility using TRACE v5.0 Patch 4
    Presented at: 11th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-11); October 9-13, 2016; Gyeongju, Korea.
  • Cozzo C, Epiney A, Canepa S, Ferroukhi H, Zerkak O, Khvostov G, et al.
    Full core LOCA analysis for BWR/6 - methodology and first results
    In: Top Fuel 2016. LWR fuels with enhanced safety and performance. LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2016:1135-1144.
  • Dehbi A, Han F, Kalilainen J
    Large Eddy Simulations of flow inside a cubical differentially heated cavity under realistic boundary conditions
    In: Computational fluid dynamics for nuclear reactor safety-5 (CFD4NRS-5). Workshop proceedings. Paris: OECD; 2016:(13 pp.).
  • Dehbi A, Kalilainen J
    Large Eddy Simulations of free convection particle transport inside cavities at Rayleigh numbers up to 1010
    In: Computational fluid dynamics for nuclear reactor safety applications-6 (CFD4NRS-6). Workshop proceedings. Paris: OECD; NEA; 2016:(16 pp.).
  • Halouane Y, Dehbi A
    Comparison of hydrogen flame acceleration predictions using the Eddy-Dissipation and the Turbulent Flame Closure
    In: Computational fluid dynamics for nuclear reactor safety applications-6 (CFD4NRS-6). Workshop proceedings. Paris: OECD; NEA; 2016:(15 pp.).
  • Jacquemain D, Albiol T, Dickinson S, Herranz L-E, Funke F, Glowa G, et al.
    Conclusion of the international OECD/NEA-NUGENIA iodine workshop
    In: Proceedings of the 11th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-11). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2016:N11PA0625 (20 pp.).
  • Kalilainen J, Prasser H-M, Lind T, Krepel J, Schenler W
    Recent research activities on high temperature pebble bed reactors at PSI
    In: 2016 international topical meeting on high temperature reactor technology (HTR 2016). Illinois: American Nuclear Society; 2016:135-140.
  • Lind T, Beghi I, Opilik L, Suckow D
    The effect of thermal-hydraulic conditions on iodine retention in a wet scrubber of the FCVS
    In: Proceedings of the 11th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-11). La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2016:N11P1234 (12 pp.).
  • Mukin R, Zerkak O, Pautz A
    Modeling and analysis of selected OECD PKL3 Station-Blackout experiments using TRACE
    Presented at: 11th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-11); October 9-13, 2016; Gyeongju, Korea.
  • Mukin R, Dehbi A
    Simulation of flow on the secondary side of a steam generator bundle
    In: Computational fluid dynamics for nuclear reactor safety-5. (CFD4NRS-5). Workshop proceedings. Paris, France: OECD; 2016.
  • Puragliesi R, Zerkak O, Pautz A
    Influence of URANS turbulence models on in-vessel flow mixing during cold leg accumulator injection
    Presented at: 11th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-11); October 9-13, 2016; Gyeongju, Korea.
  • Rahman S, Karanki DR, Wicaksono D, Zerkak O, Dang VN
    Evaluation of deterministic sampling for uncertainty quantification in a probabilistic accident analysis model
    Presented at: 11th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-11); October 9-13, 2016; Gyeongju, Korea.
  • Rýdl A, Fernandez-Moguel L, Lind T
    Impact of containment venting on source term for Fukushima-like BWR scenarios
    Presented at: 11th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-11); October 9-13, 2016; Gyeongju, Korea.
  • Wicaksono D, Zerkak O, Pautz A
    Bayesian calibration of thermal-hydraulics model with time-dependent output
    Presented at: 11th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-11); October 9-13, 2016; Gyeongju, Korea.

The effect of thermal-hydraulic conditions on iodine retention in a wet scrubber of the FCVS
T.M. Lind, I. Beghi, L. Opilik, D.J. Suckow
11th NUTHOS, Gyeongju, Korea

Thermal-hydraulic evaluation of the system code TRACE/PARCS using different sets of cross-sections
P. Papadopoulos, A. Sehkri, P. Hidalga, G. Verdu
11th NUTHOS, Gyeongju, Korea

Preliminary insights from the PASSAM project: investigation on enhancement of source term mitigation
T. Albiol, L.-E. Herranz, E. Riera, C. Dalibart, T.M. Lind, A. del Corno, T. Kärkelä, N. Losch, B. Azambre
11th NUTHOS, Gyeongju, Korea

Conclusion of the International OECD/NEA-NUGENIA Iodine workshop
D. Jacquemain, T. Albiol, S. Dickinson, L.-E. Herranz, F. Funke, G. Glowa, S. Gupta, H. Hoshi, T. Kärkelä, M. Kissane, T.M. Lind, M. Salay, J.-H. Song, J.-P. van Dorsselaere
11th NUTHOS, Gyeongju, Korea

Comparison of Hydrogen Flame Acceleration Predictions using the Eddy-Dissipation and the Turbulent Flame Closure
Y. Halouane, A. Dehbi
6th CFD4NRS, Boston, USA

Large Eddy Simulation of Free Convection Particle Transport Inside Cavities at Rayleigh Numbers up to 1010
A. Dehbi, J. Kalilainen
6th CFD4NRS, Boston, USA

Determination of the Decontamination Factor in Two-Phase Flows using Wire-Mesh Sensors
P. Papadopoulos, K. Baur, T.M. Lind, H.-M. Prasser
SWINTH, Livorno, Italy


  • Clifford I, Vasiliev A, Zerkak O, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
    Computational fluid dynamics analysis of the fluid flow and heat transfer in the core bypass region of a PWR
    In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:7806-7819.
  • Dehbi A
    A generalized correlation for steam condensation rates in the presence of air-helium mixtures
    In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH 2016). Vol. 10. American Nuclear Society; 2015:8347-8359.
  • Dokhane A, Zerkak O, Ferroukhi H, Gajev I, Judd J, Kozlowski T
    TRACE/SIMULATE-3K analysis of the NEA/OECD Oskarshamn-2 stability benchmark
    In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:4757-4770.
  • Epiney A, Canepa S, Zerkak O, Ferroukhi H
    Towards a consolidated approach for the validation of plant system codes and models: case study for a BWR fast depressurisation event
    In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:2157-2170.
  • Fernandez-Moguel L, Rydl A, Jaeckel B
    Analysis of Fukushima Daiichi NPP unit 3 with Melcor_2.1
    In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:6401-6411.
  • Park S, Fernandez-Moguel L, Prasser H-M, Birchley J, Steinbrück M, Seifert H-J
    Effect of nitriding during an air ingress scenario
    In: TopFuel 2015. Reactor fuel performance. Conference proceedings. Part 2. Brussels: European Nuclear Society; 2015:380-390.
  • Puragliesi R, Zerkak O, Pautz A, Zhou Q
    Assessment of OpenFOAM CFD toolbox for gravity driven mixing flows in a Reactor Pressure Vessel
    In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:952-965.
  • Rahman S, Karanki DR, Epiney A, Zerkak O, Dang VN
    Ranking of uncertain parameters for dynamic event tree analysis: a case study based on a Station Black Out scenario
    In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:5734-5747.
  • Rýd A, Jäckel B, Klügel J-U, Steiner P
    Melt-concrete interface heat transfer models and coolability models: PWR analyses with MELCOR/CORCON and CORQUENCH
    In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:484-498.
  • Wicaksono D, Zerkak O, Pautz A
    A methodology for global sensitivity analysis of transient code output applied to a reflood experiment model using TRACE
    In: 16th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-16). LaGrange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2015:4862-4879.

he hydrodynamics of two-phase flow in a tube bundle and a bare channel
T.T. Betschart, D.J. Suckow, V. Brankov, H.-M. Prasser
ICAPP, Charlotte, USA

Remaining Issues in Pool Scrubbing: Major Drivers for Experimentation within the EU-PASSAM Project
L.E. Herranz, R.D. Tardáguila, T.T. Berschart, T.M. Lind, S. Morandi
ICAPP, Charlotte, USA

Assessment of RELAP5/TRACE against VEFITA Thermal-Hydraulic Level Swell Tests
J. Yang, D.J. Suckow, H.-M. Prasser, M. Furrer, T.M. Lind
ICAPP, Charlotte, USA

  • Aounallah Y
    Assessment of TRACE against single-tube post-dryout heat transfer experiments
    Presented at: 10th international topical meeting on nuclear thermal-hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-10); December 14-18, 2014; Okinawa, Japan.
  • Betschart T, Suckow D, Brankov V, Prasser HM
    The hydrodynamics of two-phase flow in a tube bundle and a bare channel
    In: Vol. 2. International congress on advances in nuclear power plants (ICAPP 2014). American Nuclear Society; 2014:1403-1411.
  • Clifford I, Zerkak O, Pautz A
    Post-test analysis of OECD/NEA ROSA-2 test 4 using TRACE
    Presented at: 10th international topical meeting on nuclear thermal-hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-10); December 14-18, 2014; Okinawa, Japan.
  • Deshpande SS, Niceno B, Mutz A, Klügel J
    Multiphase and turbulence models' sensitivity study in pressurized thermal shock simulations of the TOPFLOW experiment
    In: International congress on advances in nuclear power plants (ICAPP 2014). Vol. 2. American Nuclear Society; 2014:1426-1435.
  • Epiney A, Zerkak O, Pautz A
    Uncertainty- and sensitivity analysis of COBRA-TF for the simulation of selected OECD/NRC BFBT void experiments
    Presented at: 10th international topical meeting on nuclear thermal-hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-10); December 14-18, 2014; Okinawa, Japan.
  • Geuss M, Panzer HKF, Clifford ID, Lohmann B
    Parametric model order reduction using pseudoinverses for the matrix interpolation of differently sized reduced models
    In: Boje E, Xia X, eds. World congress on international federation of automatic control. Vol. 19. IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline). IFAC; 2014:9468-9473.
  • Herranz LE, Tardáguila RD, Berschart T, Lind T, Morandi S
    Remaining issues in pool scrubbing: major drivers for experimentation within the EU-PASSAM project
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP '14. Vol. 2. International congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP 2014. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2014:14156 (9 pp.).
  • Jaeckel B, Birchley J, Fernandez-Moguel L
    Spent fuel pool under severe accident conditions
    In: Proceedings of the 2014 22nd international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE22). New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2014:V003T06A029 (7 pp.).
  • Karanki DR, Zerkak O, Dang VN
    Treatment of epistemic and aleatory uncertainties in DET simulations: computational framework with ADS-TRACE
    Presented at: 10th international topical meeting on nuclear thermal-hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-10); December 14-18, 2014; Okinawa, Japan.
  • Mukin R, Dehbi A
    Simulation of a gas jet in the secondary side of a steam generator bundle following a tube rupture sequence
    In: Proceedings of the 2014 22nd international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE22). New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2014:V004T10A018 (9 pp.).
  • Puragliesi R, Zerkak O, Pautz A
    Assessment of CFD uRANS models for buoyancy driven mixing flows based on ROCOM experiments
    Presented at: 10th international topical meeting on nuclear thermal-hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-10); December 14-18, 2014; Okinawa, Japan.
  • Rydl A, Jaeckel B, Birchley JC, Lind T
    Long-term SBO with selected mitigative measures: MELCOR parametric calculations for a 2-loop PWR
    In: Proceedings of the 2014 22nd international conference on nuclear engineering (ICONE22). New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2014:V006T15A012 (10 pp.).
  • Wicaksono D, Zerkak O, Pautz A
    Exploring variability in reflood simulation results: an application of functional data analysis
    Presented at: 10th international topical meeting on nuclear thermal-hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-10); December 14-18, 2014; Okinawa, Japan.
  • Wicaksono D, Zerkak O, Pautz A
    Sensitivity analysis of a bottom reflood simulation using the Morris screening method
    Presented at: 10th international topical meeting on nuclear thermal-hydraulics, operation and safety (NUTHOS-10); December 14-18, 2014; Okinawa, Japan.
  • Yang J, Suckow D, Prasser H-M, Michel F, Lind T
    Assessment of RELAP5/TRACE against VEFITA thermal-hydraulic level swell tests
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP 2014. Vol. 3. International congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP 2014. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2014:14154 (8 pp.).
  • Dehbi A, Lind T, Suckow D, Guentay S
    PSI steam generator project: mixing and recirculation
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP 2013. International congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP 2013: nuclear power - a safe and sustainable choice for green future, held with the 28th KAIF/KNS annual conference. Daejeon: Korean Nuclear Society; 2013:FA123 (8 pp.).
  • Freixa J, Belaid S, Zerkak O
    Thermal-hydraulic system code performance for SBLOCA phenomonelogy using different geometries and scales
    Presented at: 15th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics, NURETH-15; May 12-17, 2013; Pisa.
  • Ihalainen M, Lind T, Torvela T, Ruusunen J, Lähde A, Tiitta P, et al.
    Fragmentation and bounce of nanosized agglomerates due to the impaction
    In: Particle technology forum 2013. AIChE; 2013:129-130.
  • Lind T, Güntay S, Dehbi A, Suckow D
    The results of the ARTIST project - consequence analysis of a spontaneous SGTR
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP 2013. International congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP 2013: nuclear power - a safe and sustainable choice for green future, held with the 28th KAIF/KNS annual conference. Korean Nuclear Society; 2013:FA121 (10 pp.).
  • Nikitin K, Gudmundsson T, Canepa S, Zerkak O, Ferroukhi H, Pautz A
    Post-analysis of a turbine trip test at a BWR/6 using the TRACE/S3K coupled code
    Presented at: 15th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics, NURETH-15; May 12-17, 2013; Pisa.
  • Papini D, Zerkak O, Prasser H
    Simulation of international standard problem ISP-42 phase B using in-house coupled code GOTHIC-TRACE
    Presented at: 15th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics, NURETH-15; May 12-15, 2013; Pisa, Italy.
  • Wicaksono D, Zerkak O, Nikitin K, Ferroukhi H, Chawla R
    Application of power time-projection on the operator-splitting coupling scheme of the trace/S3K coupled code
    In: International conference on mathematics and computational methods applied to nuclear science and engineering (M&C 2013). Vol. 3. La Grange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2013:1748-1760.
  • Yang J
    Parameter study of RELAP5 LOCA simulation on initial and boundary conditions
    In: Vol. 108. Transactions of the American nuclear society. American Nuclear Society; 2013:980-983.
  • Dehbi A, Badreddine H
    CFD study of natural convection mixing in a steam generator mock-up: comparison between full geometry and porous media approaches
    In: International congress on advances in nuclear power plants 2012, ICAPP 2012. Vol. 4. ; 2012:2231-2238.
  • Fernandez-Moguel L
    Preliminary analysis of air ingress experiment QUENCH-16 using RELAP/SCDAPSim3.5 and MELCOR 1.8.6
    Presented at: 21st international conference nuclear energy for New Europe; September 5-7, 2012; Ljubljana.
  • Karanki DR, Dang VN, Kim T-W
    The impact of dynamics on the MLOCA accident model - an application of dynamic event trees
    In: 11th international probabilistic safety assessment and management conference and the annual european safety and reliability conference 2012. (PSAM11 ESREL 2012). Vol. 3. sine loco: IAPSAM; ESRA; 2012:2468-2479.
  • Miassoedov A, Tromm TW, Birchley J, Fichot F, Ma W, Pohlner G, et al.
    Corium and debris coolability studies performed in the severe accident research network of excellence (SARNET2)
    In: Vol. 2. International conference on nuclear engineering, proceedings, ICONE. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); 2012:383-392.
  • Paladino D, Guentay S, Andreani M, Tkatschenko I, Brinster J, Dabbene F, et al.
    The EURATOM-ROSATOM ERCOSAM-SAMARA projects on containment thermal-hydraulics of current and future LWRs for severe accident management
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP ‘12. ; 2012:1359-1368.
  • Rycroft CH, Lind T, Güntay S, Dehbi A
    Granular flow in pebble bed reactors: dust generation and scaling
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP ‘12. ; 2012:12328 (9 pp.).
  • Karanki DR, Dang VN, Kim T-W
    Discrete dynamic event tree analysis of MLOCA using ADS-TRACE
    In: International topical meeting on probabilistic safety assessment and analysis (PSA 2011). Vol. 1. La Grange Park, IL, USA: American Nuclear Society; 2011:610-622.
  • Yun Y, Khvostov G, Freixa J, Zimmermann MA
    Analysis of fuel rod behaviour in a EPRTM during the base irradiation and LOCA-transient utilizing the FALCON code
    In: Proceedings of the 2010 LWR fuel performance/top fuel/WRFPM. sine loco: American Nuclear Society; 2011:345-353.
  • Bertolotto D, Manera A, Petrov V, Bissels WM, Prasser HM, Chawla R
    Set-up of a validation strategy for the coupled code CFX/TRACE in the FLORIS facility with the aid of CFD simulations
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP '10. Vol. 2. International congress on advances in nuclear power plants 2010, ICAPP 2010. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2010:1529-1537.
  • Dang VN, Kim T-W, Zimmermann MA, Manera A
    Assessing safety margins: the impact of a power uprate on risk from small and medium LOCA scenarios
    In: 10th international conference on probabilistic safety assessment & management, PSAM10. Vol. 1. sine loco: IAPSAM; ESRA; 2010:83-92.
  • Girardin G, Epiney A, Mikityuk K, Chawla R
    Neutronic analysis of water-steam injection accidents for generation IV gas-cooled fast reactors
    In: International conference on the physics of reactors 2010. Vol. 3. American Nuclear Society; 2010:1843-1855.
  • Nikitin K, Judd J, Grandi GM, Manera A, Ferroukhi H
    Peach bottom 2 turbine trip 2 simulation by TRACE/S3K coupled code
    In: International conference on the physics of reactors 2010. Vol. 3. International conference on the physics of reactors 2010, PHYSOR 2010. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2010:2283-2293.
  • Petrov V, Manera A
    Development and validation of a CFD model for the EPR™ pressure vessel
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP '10. Vol. 3. International congress on advances in nuclear power plants 2010, ICAPP 2010. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2010:1685-1691.

The results of the ARTIST project - consequence analysis of a spontaneous SGTR
T.M. Lind, S. Güntay, A. Dehbi, D.J. Suckow
ICAPP, Jeju Island, South Korea

PSI Steam Generator Project: Mixing and Recirculation
A. Dehbi, T.M. Lind, D.J. Suckow, S. Güntay
ICAPP, Jeju Island, South Korea

Status of the Spent Fuel in the reactor buildings of Fukushima Daiichi 1-4
B.S. Jäckel
22nd NENE Conference, Bled, Slovenia

High resolution two-phase flow structure investigations in tube bundles
T.T. Betschart, D.J. Suckow, H.-M. Prasser, S. Güntay
15th NURETH Conference, Pisa, Italy

Flow and Heat Transfer in a Particle Laden Differentially Heated Cavity
J. Kalilainen, P. Rantanen, T.M. Lind, A. Dehbi, A. Auvinen
15th NURETH Conference, Pisa, Italy

Pre-Test CFD Simulations of the Effect of Leakage on Mixing in a Steam Generator Mock-up
A. Dehbi, T.L. Chiu
15th NURETH Conference, Pisa, Italy

2D RANS and LES Simulations of Turbulent Flow inside a Differentially Heated Cavity
A. Dehbi, M. Aksouh, J. Kalilainen
15th NURETH Conference, Pisa, Italy

The EURATOM-ROSATOM ERCOSAM-SAMARA Projects on Containment Thermal-hydraulics of current and future LWRs for Severe Accident Management
D. Paladino, S. Güntay, M. Andreani, I. Tkatschenko, J. Brinster, F. Dabbene, S. Kelm, H.-J. Allelein, D.C. Visser, S. Benz, T. Jordan, Z. Liang, E. Porcheron, J. Malet, A. Bentaib, A. Kiselev, T. Yudina, A. Filippov, A. Khizbullin, M. Kamnev, A. Zaytsev, A. Loukianov
ICAPP, Chicago, USA

Validation of a CFD Model for Steam Condensation in the Presence of Noncondensable Gases
A. Dehbi, F. Janasz, B. Bell
4th CFD4NRS, Daejeon, South Korea

Conduct and Analytical Support to Air Ingress Experiment QUENCH-16
J.C. Birchley, L. Fernandez-Moguel, C. Bals, E. Beuzet, Z. Hozer, J. Stuckert
5th ERMSAR, Cologne, Germany

Progress in SARNET2 WP5-2 Research: Melt Pool Behavior and Coolability in the Lower Head of a Light Water Reactor
W.M. Ma, W. Villanueva, P. Kudinov, A. Miassoedov, X. Gaus-Liu, M. Hoffmann, B.S. Jäckel, J.C. Birchley, P. Matejovic, M. Barnak
5th ERMSAR, Cologne, Germany

Large Scale Experimental Program at PSI on Safety Issues in a PWR Steam Generator
A. Dehbi, D.J. Suckow, T.M. Lind, S. Güntay
5th ERMSAR, Cologne, Germany

CFD Study of Natural Convection Mixing in a Steam Generator Mock-up: Comparison between Full Geometry and Porous Media Approaches
A. Dehbi, H. Badreddine
ICAPP, Chicago, USA

Granular flow in pebble bed reactors: dust generation and scaling
C.H. Rycroft, T.M. Lind, S. Güntay, A. Dehbi
ICAPP, Chicago, USA

Effects of molybdenum and silver on iodine transport in primary circuit on severe nuclear accidents
J. Kalilainen, P. Rantanen, T. Kärkelä, M. Lipponen, A. Auvinen, J. Jokiniemi
ICAPP, Chicago, USA

Corium and Debris Coolability Studies Performed in the Severe Accident Research Network of Excellence (SARNET2)
A. Miassoedov, T.W. Tromm, J.C. Birchley, F. Fichot, W.M. Ma, G. Pohlner, P. Matejovic
20th ICONE Conference, Anaheim, USA

Progress with Iodine Chemistry Studies in SARNET2
T.J. Haste, A. Auvinen, L. Cantrel, J. Kalilainen, T. Kärkelä, B. Simondi-Teisseire
21st NENE Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Preliminary Analysis of Air Ingress Experiment QUENCH-16 using RELAP/SCDAPSim3.5 and MELCOR 1.8.6
L. Fernandez-Moguel
21st NENE Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Planning Support and Preliminary Post-test Analysis of QUENCH-L0 using SCDAP/RELAP and SCDAP/Sim
L. Fernandez Moguel, J.C. Birchley
ICAPP, Nice, France

Assessment of SCDAP/RELAP5 Modelling of Top-down Reflood, using PARAMETER Bundle Experiments
J.C. Birchley, L. Fernandez Moguel
ICAPP, Nice, France

Scaling of a PWR Steam Generator Simulator with the Help of CFDA
A. Dehbi, H. Badreddine
14th NURETH Conference, Toronto, Canada

An Overview of past and present Activities in the Severe Accident Domain within the Framework of WGAMA
S. Güntay
14th NURETH Conference, Toronto, Canada

Lagrangian Simulation of Particle Deposition on an Array of Spheres using RANS-RSM and LES Approaches
A. Dehbi
3rd CFD4NRS, Bethesda, USA (2010)

Outcome of the OECD/SARNET Workshop on In-vessel Coolability
J.C. Birchley, B. Clément, H. Löffler, W. Tromm, A. Amri
4th ERMSAR, Bologna, Italy (2010)

Analysis of Steam Generator Reflux Condensation for Severe Accident Prevention and Mitigation
Y. Liao, J.C. Birchley
4th ERMSAR, Bologna, Italy (2010)

The effect of chemical reactions on primary circuit surface on iodine transport
J. Kalilainen, T. Kärkelä, A. Auvinen, R. Zilliacus, U. Tapper, T. Kajolinna
ANS Conference, Las Vegas, USA (2010)

The Effect of Flooding on Aerosol Retention in the Steam Generator Bundle
T.M. Lind, S. Güntay
ANS Conference, Las Vegas, USA (2010)


  • Leyer S, Maisberger F, Schaub B, Brettschuh W, Doll M, Wich M, et al.
    Full scale quasi steady state component tests of the SWR 1000 emergency condenser at the INKA test facility
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP '09. Vol. 2. International congress on advances in nuclear power plants 2009, ICAPP 2009. Tokyo: Atomic Energy Society of Japan; 2009:1627-1628.
  • Bertolotto D, Manera A, Smith B, Prasser H-M, Chawla R
    Single-phase mixing studies by means of a directly coupled CFD/system-code tool
    In: Proceedings of the international conference on the physics of reactors "nuclear power: a sustainable resource". Vol. 3. International conference on the physics of reactors 2008, PHYSOR 08. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut; 2008:2012-2020.
  • Ferroukhi H, Zerkak O, Chawla R
    Comparative study of CORETRAN and SIMULATE-3K for main steam line break analyses
    In: Proceedings of the international conference on the physics of reactors "nuclear power: a sustainable resource". Vol. 3. International conference on the physics of reactors 2008, PHYSOR 08. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut; 2008:1825-1832.
  • Vinai P, Macian-Juan R, Chawla R
    Propagation of void fraction uncertainly measures in the RETRAN-3D simulation of the Peach Bottom turbine trip
    In: International conference on the physics of reactors “nuclear power: a sustainable resource”. ; 2008:(8 pp.).
  • Zerkak O, Ferroukhi H
    Effects of the core inlet mixing modelling on a main steam line break analysis at hot full power
    In: Proceedings of the international conference on the physics of reactors "nuclear power: a sustainable resource". Vol. 3. International conference on the physics of reactors 2008, PHYSOR 08. Villigen: Paul Scherrer Institut; 2008:1943-1950.
  • Barten W, Manera A, Macian-Juan R
    Assessment of the capability of the trace code to model the propagation of linear acoustic pressure waves in one-dimensional flows
    In: 12th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-12). Westmont: American Nuclear Society; 2007:652-665.
  • Ferroukhi H, Hollard JM, Zerkak O, Coddington P
    PWR cell calculations using APOLLO-2 within the NURESIM benchmark framework
    In: Vol. 97. Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. Westmont: American Nuclear Society; 2007:703-704.
  • Manera A, Macian R
    Assessment of trace film condensation models with and without non-condensable gases
    In: 12th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-12). Westmont: American Nuclear Society; 2007:254-268.
  • Rohde M, Marcel CP, Manera A, van der Hagen THJJ, Shiralkar B
    Experimental and numerical investigations on the ESBWR stability performance
    In: 12th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-12). Westmont: American Nuclear Society; 2007:099 (20 pp.).
  • Zboray R, Manera A, Niceno B, Prasser H-M
    Investigations on mixing phenomena in single-phase flows in a T-junction geometry
    In: 12th international topical meeting on nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics (NURETH-12). Westmont: American Nuclear Society; 2007:830-849.
  • Zerkak O, Coddington P, Crouzet N, Royer E, Jimenez J, Cuervo D
    LWR multi-physics developments and applications within the framework of the NURESIM European project
    In: Joint international topical meeting on mathematics & computations and supercomputing in nuclear applications (M & C + SNA 2007). Vol. 4. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2007:2178-2199.
  • Jasiulevicius A, Macian-Juan R
    Impact of different correlations on TRACEv4.160 predicted critical heat flux
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP '06. Vol. 2006. Proceedings of the 2006 international congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP'06. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2006:1608-1615.
  • Jasiulevicius A, Zerkak O, Macian-Juan R
    Investigation of heat transfer mechanisms under shutdown plant conditions with TRACEv4.160
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP'06. Vol. 2006. Proceedings of the 2006 international congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP'06. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2006:1820-1828.
  • Jasiulevicius A, Macian-Juan R
    Predictions of critical heat flux in annular pipes with TRACE V4.160 code
    In: International conference on nuclear engineering, proceedings, ICONE. Vol. 2006. International conference on nuclear engineering, proceedings, ICONE. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 2006:243-250.
  • Jasiulevicius A, Macian-Juan R
    Steady state film boiling heat transfer simulated with trace V4.160
    In: Proceedings of ICONE 14. Vol. 2006. International conference on nuclear engineering, proceedings, ICONE. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 2006:531-539.
  • Vinai P, Macian R, Chawla R
    A methodology for the quantification of uncertainty in best estimate code physical models
    In: Proceedings of ICAPP '06. Vol. 2006. Proceedings of the 2006 international congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP'06. La Grange Park: American Nuclear Society; 2006:1087-1098.

Direct Numerical Simulation of Buoyancy Driven Turbulence inside a Cubic Cavity
R. Puragliesi, A. Dehbi, E. Leriche, A. Soldati, M. Deville
Conference on Turbulence and Interactions, La Martinique (2009)

Post-Test Analysis of the Quench-13 Bundle Test Including an Ag-In-Cd Absorber Rod
J.C. Birchley, B.S. Jäckel, T.J. Haste, M. Steinbrück, J. Stuckert
ICAPP, Tokyo, Japan (2009)

Influence of corium oxidation on fission product release from molten pool
S.V. Bechta, E.V. Krushinov, S.A. Vitol, V.B. Khabensky, S.Y. Kotova, A.A. Sulatskiy, R.A. Kosarevskiy, V.V. Gusarov, V.I. Almyashev, G. Ducros, C. Journeau, D. Bottomley, B. Clément, L.E. Herranz, S. Güntay, K. Trambauer, A. Auvinen
ICAPP, Tokyo, Japan (2009)

Results of the QUENCH-13 Reflood Bundle Test with Incorporation of an AgInCd Absorber Rod
L. Sepold, T.M. Lind, A. Pintér Csordás, U. Stegmaier, M. Steinbrück, J. Stuckert
ICAPP, Tokyo, Japan (2009)

Analysis of the QUENCH-14 bundle test with M5 cladding
J.C. Birchley, B.S. Jäckel, M. Steinbrück, J. Stuckert, T.J. Haste
17th ICONE Conference, Brussels, Belgium (2009)

Noncondensable Gas Effect on Film Condensation of Boundary Layer Flow in the Entire Mixed Convection Regime
Y. Liao, S. Güntay
13th NURETH Conference, Kanazawa, Japan (2009)

The Once-Through Mode of Steam Generator Reflux Condensation in Loss of Coolant Accident Scenarios
Y. Liao, S. Güntay, D.J. Suckow
13th NURETH Conference, Kanazawa, Japan (2009)

LWR Containment Safety Research in PANDA
D. Paladino, M. Huggenberger, M. Andreani, S. Gupta, S. Güntay, J. Dreier, H.-M. Prasser
ICAPP, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Assessment against DNS data of a coupled CFD-stochastic model for particle dispersion in turbulent channel flows
A. Dehbi
2nd CFD4NRS, Grenoble, France (2008)

Status of Studies on High-Temperature Oxidation and Quench Behaviour of Zircaloy-4 and E110 Cladding Alloys
M. Steinbrück, J.C. Birchley, A.V. Goryachev, M. Grosse, T.J. Haste, Z. Hozer, A.E. Kisselev, V.I. Nalivaev, V.P. Semishkin, L. Sepold, J. Stuckert, N. Vér, M.S. Veshchunov
3rd ERMSAR, Nesseber, Bulgaria (2008)

Modelling of Accelerated Cladding Degradation in Air for Severe Accident Codes
C. Bals, E. Beuzet, J.C. Birchley, O. Coindreau, S. Ederli, T.J. Haste, T. Hollands, M.K. Koch, J.-S. Lamy, K. Trambauer
3rd ERMSAR, Nesseber, Bulgaria (2008)

Progress on B4C modelling in Severe Accident Codes in the frame of SARNET network of excellence - Applications to Phebus and Quench experiments
G. Repetto, O. De Luze, K. Trambauer, H. Austregesilo, J.C. Birchley, J.S. Lamy, B. Malivernay
3rd ERMSAR, Nesseber, Bulgaria (2008)

Understanding the behaviour of absorber elements in silver-indium-cadmium control rods during PWR severe accident sequences
R. Dubourg, H. Austregesilo, C. Bals, M. Barrachin, J.C. Birchley, T.J. Haste, J.S. Lamy, T.M. Lind, B. Maliverney, C. Marchetto, A. Pinter, M. Steinbrück, J. Stuckert, K. Trambauer, A. Vimi
3rd ERMSAR, Nesseber, Bulgaria (2008)

Progress in understanding key aerosol issues
L.E. Herranz, J. Ball, A. Auvinen, D. Bottomley, A. Dehbi, C. Housiadas, P. Piluso, V. Layly, F. Parozzi, M. Reeks
3rd ERMSAR, Nesseber, Bulgaria (2008)

Ruthenium Behaviour under Air Ingress Conditions: Main Achievements in the SARNET Project
P. Giordano, A. Auvinen, G. Brillant, J. Colombani, N. Davidovich, R. Dickson, T.J. Haste, T. Kärkelä, J.S. Lamy, C. Mun, D. Ohai, Y. Pontillon, M. Steinbrück, N. Vér
3rd ERMSAR, Nesseber, Bulgaria (2008)

Summary of SARNET achievements
T. Albiol, T.J. Haste, J.-P. van Dorsselaere, C. Journeau, L. Meyer, B. Chaumont, B.R. Sehgal, B. Schwinges, D. Beraha, A. Annunziato, R. Zeyen
3rd ERMSAR, Nesseber, Bulgaria (2008)

Status of SARNET 2
T. Albiol, J.-P. van Dorsselaere, W. Tromm, C. Journeau, I. Kljenak, T.J. Haste, B.R. Sehgal, D. Beraha
3rd ERMSAR, Nesseber, Bulgaria (2008)

Analysis of Station Blackout in the Gösgen Nuclear Plant
T.J. Haste, J.C. Birchley, J.-U. Klügel
ICAPP, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Pre-Test Calculational Support for the QUENCH-13 Experiment
T.J. Haste, J.C. Birchley, J.-S. Lamy, B. Maliverney, H. Austregesilo, C. Bals, K. Trambauer, M. Steinbrück, J. Stuckert
ICAPP, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Experimental and Post-Test Calculation Results of the Integral Reflood Test QUENCH-12 with a VVER-type Bundle
J. Stuckert, J.C. Birchley, M. Große, T.J. Haste, L. Sepold, M. Steinbrück
ICAPP, Anaheim, USA (2008)

MELCOR Validation against a PUMA Facility Main Steam Line Break Integral Test
Y. Liao, K. Vierow, J.T. Han
ICAPP, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Post-Test Analysis of the QUENCH-13 Experiment
J.C. Birchley, H. Austregesilo, C. Bals, R. Dubourg, T.J. Haste, J.S. Lamy, T.M. Lind, B. Maliverney, C. Marchetto, A. Pinter, M. Steinbrück, J. Stuckert, K. Trambauer
17th NENE Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia (2008)

Analysis of the PHÉBUS FPT3 Core Degradation Using severe Accident Codes ICARE/CATHARE, ATHLET-CD, MELCOR
G. Repetto, J.C. Birchley
ANS Conference, Anaheim, USA (2008)

A Probabilistic model using artist data for analysis of SGTR fission product release fraction
Y. Liao, S. Guentay, A. Dehbi
ANS Conference, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Fluent simulation of separator and dryer aerodynamics and comparison with data
M. Ogino, R. Kapulla, A. Dehbi
ANS Conference, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Droplet Retention and Velocity field in a Steam Generator
R. Kapulla, S. Danner, S. Guentay
ANS Conference, Anaheim, USA (2008)

CFD simulation of ARTIST break stage and comparisons with measured data
T. Berg, J. Bredberg, D.J. Suckow
ANS Conference, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Results from the ARTIST flooded bundle tests
A. Dehbi, D.J. Suckow, S. Güntay
ANS Conference, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Particle retention in ARTIST dry bundle tests
T.M. Lind, D.J. Suckow, S. Güntay
ANS Conference, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Numerical modeling of flow in dry secondary side of steam generator
T. Berg, J. Bredberg, A. Dehbi, J. Bredberg
ANS Conference, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Fission Product release boundary conditions for SGTR-initiated severe accident
Y. Liao, S. Güntay
ANS Conference, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Introduction to the ARTIST program
S. Güntay, A. Dehbi, D.J. Suckow
ANS Conference, Anaheim, USA (2008)

Overview of SARNET Deployment and Progress
T. Albiol, T.J. Haste, J.-P. van Dorsselaere, C. Journeau, L. Meyer, B. Chaumont, B.R. Sehgal, B. Schwinges, D. Beraha, A. Annunziato, R. Zeyen
2nd ERMSAR, Karlsruhe, Germany (2007)

Separate-Effect Tests on Zirconium Cladding Degradation in Air Ingress Situations
C. Duriez, M. Steinbrück, D. Ohai, T. Meleg, J.C. Birchley, T.J. Haste
2nd ERMSAR, Karlsruhe, Germany (2007)

Preliminary analyses of the Phebus FPT3 Experiment Using Severe Accident Codes (ATHLET-CD, ICARE/CATHARE, MELCOR)
G. Repetto, O. De Luze, J.C. Birchley, T. Drath, T. Hollands, M.K. Koch, C. Bals, K. Trambauer, H. Austregesilo
2nd ERMSAR, Karlsruhe, Germany (2007)

Achievements and Status of Research Activities in the Source Term Area
T.J. Haste, J. Giordano, L.E. Herranz
2nd ERMSAR, Karlsruhe, Germany (2007)

MELCOR Analysis of Loss of Residual Heat Removal during Mid-Loop Operation in a Westinghouse Two-Loop PWR
J.C. Birchley, T.J. Haste, M. Richner
ICAPP, Nice, France (2007)

Characterization of TiO2 agglomerates for the investigation of aerosol behavior in a steam generator tube rupture event
T.M. Lind, S. Danner, D.J. Suckow, S. Güntay, U. Trapper, A. Auvinen
ICAPP, Nice, France (2007)

MELCOR and SCDAP Analyses of Loss-of-Coolant Accidents During Cooldown in a Westinghouse 2-Loop PWR
T.J. Haste, J.C. Birchley, M. Richner
16th NENE Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia (2007)

Variable Property Effects on Vapor Condensation with a noncondensable Gas
Y. Liao, K. Vierow
12th NURETH Conference, Pittsburgh, USA (2007)

Assessment of a new Fluent Model for Particle Dispersion in Turbulent Flows
A. Dehbi
1st CFD4NRS, Garching, Germany (2006)

MELCOR Simulation of the TMI-2 Severe Accident and Initial Recovery Phases
T.J. Haste, J.C. Birchley, E. Cazzoli, J. Vitazkova
ICAPP, Reno, USA (2006)

SARNET: Integrating Severe Accident Research in Europe - Safety Issues in the Source Term Area
T.J. Haste, P. Giordano, L.E. Herranz, J.-C. Micaelli
ICAPP, Reno, USA (2006)

Pre-test Analytical Support for Experiments Quench-10, -11 and -12
J.C. Birchley, T.J. Haste, W. Hering, C. Homann
15th NENE Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia (2006)

Overwiev of SARNET Deployement and Progress
J.C. Micaelli, T.J. Haste, J.-P. van Dorsselaere, J.-M. Bonnet, L. Meyer, B. Chaumont, D. Beraha, A. Annunziato, B.R. Sehgal, K. Trambauer, B. Adroguer
1st ERMSAR, Aix en Provence, France (2005)

Core Reflooding: Synthesis of the QUENCH Program and its Impact on Code Modelling
M. Steinbrück, W. Hering, J. Stuckert, J.C. Birchley, E. Brunet-Thibault, T. Drath, N. Seiler, K. Trambauer, M.S. Veshchunov
1st ERMSAR, Aix en Provence, France (2005)

Overview of SARNET Activities in the Source Term Area
T.J. Haste, P. Giordano, L.E. Herranz
1st ERMSAR, Aix en Provence, France (2005)

Aerosol Behaviour in SGTR accidents
S. Güntay, L.E. Herranz, V. Layly, T. Routamo, A. Auvinen
1st ERMSAR, Aix en Provence, France (2005)

Progress in Modelling Silver-Indium-Cadmium Control Rod Degradation and Release
B. Maliverney, K. Trambauer, W. Plumecocq, R. Dubourg, T.J. Haste
1st ERMSAR, Aix en Provence, France (2005)

Session 8 - General Discussion - Conclusions and Recommendations
B. Adroguer, J.-M. Bonnet, B. Chaumont, M. Hugon, T.J. Haste, L. Meyer, J.-C. Micaelli, B.R. Sehgal, K. Trambauer, J.-P. van Dorsselaere
1st ERMSAR, Aix en Provence, France (2005)

Summary of SARNET Activities in the Source Term Area
T.J. Haste, P. Giordano, L.E. Herranz
1st ERMSAR, Aix en Provence, France (2005)

SARNET: Severe Accident Research Network Key Issues in the Area of Source Term
P. Giordano, T.J. Haste, L.E. Herranz, J.C. Micaelli
14th NENE Conference (2005)

CFD Simulation of Particle Depletion Inside a Large Volume with Prevailing Natural Circulation
A. Dehbi
11th NURETH Conference (2005)


Thematic Network for a PHEBUS FPT-1 International Standard Problem (THENPHEBISP)
B. Clément, T.J. Haste, E. Krausmann, S. Dickinson, G. Gyenes, J. Duspiva, F. de Rosa, S. Paci, F. Martin-Fuertes, W. Scholytssek, H.J. Allelein, S. Güntay, B. Arien, S. Marguet, M. Leskovar, A. Sartmadjiev
FISA 2003 Symposium on EU Research in Reactor Savety (2003)

Validation of Severe Accident Codesagainst PHEBUS FP for Plant Applications (PHEBEN2)
K. Müller, S. Dickinson, C. de Pascale, N. Hanniet, L.E. Herranz, F. de Rosa, G. Henneges, J. Langhans, C. Housiadas, V. Wichers, J.C. Birchley, S. Paci, F. Martin-Fuertes
FISA 2003 Symposium on EU Research in Reactor Savety (2003)

Iodine Chemistry and Mitigation Mechanisms (ICHEMM)
S. Dickinson, H.E. Sims, F. Funke, S. Güntay, H. Bruchertseifer, J.O. Liljenzin, H. Glänneskog, M.P. Kissane, L. Cantrel, E. Krausmann, A. Rýdl
FISA 2003 Symposium on EU Research in Reactor Savety (2003)

European Expert Network for the Reduction of Uncertainties in Severe Accident Safety Issues (EURSAFE)
D. Magallon, A. Mailiat, J.M. Seiler, K. Atkhen, H. Sjövall, S. Dickinson, J. Jakab, L. Meyer, M. Buerger, K. Trambauer, L. Fickert, B.R. Sehgal, Z. Hózer, J. Bagués, F. Martin-Fuertes, R. Zeyen, M. El-Shanawany, S. Güntay, C. Tinkler
FISA 2003 Symposium on EU Research in Reactor Savety (2003)

Steam Generator Tube Rupture Scenarios (SGTR)
J. Jokiniemi, A. Lähde, A. Auvinen, H. Tuomisto, T. Routamo, P. Lundström, J. Dienstbier, S. Güntay, D.J. Suckow, A. Dehbi, M. Slootman, L.E. Herranz, V. Peyres, J. Polo
FISA 2003 Symposium on EU Research in Reactor Savety (2003)

Core Loss during a Severe Accident (COLOSS)
B. Adroguer, J.-P. van Dorsselaere, P. Chatelard, N. Cocuaud, F. Bertrand, L. Bellenfant, D. Bottomley, D. Knoche, V. Vrtilkova, K. Müller, G. Schanz, A. Miassoedov, M. Steinbrück, J. Stuckert, W. Krauss, W. Hering, C. Homann, Z. Hózer, G. Bandini, J.C. Birchley, I. Kleinhietpass, M. Buck, F. Benitez, E. Virtanen, S. Marguet, G. Azarian, H. Plank, A. Berdyshev, M. Veshchunov, V. Kobzar, Y. Zvonarev, A. Goryachev
FISA 2003 Symposium on EU Research in Reactor Savety (2003)

ARTIST: An International Project Investigating Aerosol Retention in a Ruptured Steam Generator
S. Güntay, A. Dehbi, D.J. Suckow, J.C. Birchley
ICAPP, Hollywood (2002)

ARTIST: a multinational experimental project to investigate fission product retention in a ruptured steam generator
S. Güntay, A. Dehbi, D.J. Suckow, J.C. Birchley
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2002 (2002)

The PSI ARTIST project: aerosol retention and accident management issues following a steam generator tube rupture
S. Güntay, A. Dehbi, D.J. Suckow, J.C. Birchley
10th ICONE Conference (2002)

Drain Lain Melt Through Experiment Under Water-free Conditions
K. Nakada, B.S. Jäckel, H. Hirschmann, J.A. Patorski, G. Duijvestijn
7th ICONE Conference (1999)

Behavior of a passive heat removal system following a severe accident
A. Dehbi, D.J. Suckow, S. Güntay
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology (1998)

Containment behaviour in the event of core melt with gaseous and aerosol releases (CONGA)
E. Friesen, S. Güntay, J. Lopez Jimenez, G.F. de Santi, M. Valisi
FISA-97 Symposium on EU Research on Severe Accidents (1997)

ESBWR passive aerosol removal - Maintaining plant simplicity for offsite dose reduction
S. Güntay, D.J. Suckow, N.B. Siccama, S.S. Khorana
Economic Nuclear Power for the 21st Century (1996)

Further Assessment of the Chemical Modelling of Iodine in IMPAIR 3 Code using ACE/RTF Data
R.C. Cripps, S. Güntay
4th CSNI Workshop on the Chemistry of Iodine in Reactor Safety (1996)

Primary Circuit Iodine Model Addition to IMPAIR-3
D.J. Osetek, D.L.Y. Louie, S. Güntay, R.C. Cripps
4th CSNI Workshop on the Chemistry of Iodine in Reactor Safety (1996)

Experimental Investigations of Mixed Convection
D.J. Suckow, U. Müller, L. Krebs
Proceedings of the 10th International Heat Transfer Conference (1994)

Simulation of pool scrubbing experiments using BUSCA
A. Dehbi, S. Güntay
3rd International Conference on Containment Design and Operation (1994)

Model of condensation in stagnant steam-noncondensable gas mixtures
A. Dehbi, M.W. Golay, M.S. Kazimi
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society (1991)

The transferability to reactor conditions of thermo-hydraulics model investigations of decay heat removal
D. Weinberg, D.J. Suckow, U. Müller, H. Hoffmann
Proceedings of the 1990 International Fast Reactor Safety Meeting (1990)

Theoretical investigations on thermal behaviour of nuclear fuel and NEPTUN heater element
S.N. Aksan, S. Güntay, V. Varadi
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society (1980)

Sensitivity Analysis of PWR and HGTR Fuel Cycle Costs
S. Güntay
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society (1975)

Sensitivity Analysis of PWR and HGTR Fuel Cycle Costs
S. Güntay
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society (1975)