Dr. Vladimir Pomjakushin Instrument phone numbersHRPT area: +41 56 310 32 64HRPT cabin: +41 56 310 31 94 vladimir.pomjakushin@psi.ch
Dr. Vladimir Pomjakushin Instrument phone numbersHRPT area: +41 56 310 32 64HRPT cabin: +41 56 310 31 94 vladimir.pomjakushin@psi.ch
Dr. Vladimir Pomjakushin Instrument phone numbersHRPT area: +41 56 310 32 64HRPT cabin: +41 56 310 31 94 vladimir.pomjakushin@psi.ch
SINQ Live HRPT Schedule Accelerator Status Experiment Schedule User Contacts Instrument responsiblePomjakushin, Vladimir Dr.+41 56 310 2094vladimir.Pomjakushin@psi.ch Instrument phone numbersHRPT area: +41 56 310 3264HRPT cabin: +41 56 310 3194 User OfficeProvides all information about user access to the PSI Large Research FacilitiesDUO LoginDirect link to the Digital User Office