
Instrument Data
neutron guide cold neutron guide "1RNR16", curved, Ni-coated, 50x50 mm², λ > 0.42 nm
monochromator helical slot velocity selector
wavelength 0.45 nm < λ < 4nm
resolution Δλ/λ = 10 % (FWHM), variation by tilting possible
Q-range 6 x 10-3 nm-1 < Q < 10.5 nm-1
detector 2D ³He-detector with 128 x 128 elements of 7.5 x 7.5 mm²
distances collimators 1 m, 1.4 m, 2 m, 3 m, 4.5 m, 6 m, 8 m, 11 m, 15 m 18 m, at 1m canonical neutron guide
neutron lenses refractive optical lenses as neutron focussing device
sample-detector distances 1 to 20 m continuously
lateral displacement 0 to 0.45m
SANSPol option for wavelength between 0.47nm and 1nm the incident beam can be polarized
stroboscopic option for stroboscopic (cyclic) experiments time resolutions down to a few ms can be achieved