X-ray methods help to understand brain disorders better

cross-section of the brain of a rat
An international team of researchers from Denmark, Germany, Switzerland and France has developed a new method for making detailed X-ray images of brain tissue, which has been used to make the myelin sheaths of nerve fibres visible. Damage to these protective sheaths can lead to various disorders, such as multiple sclerosis. The facility for creating these images of the protective sheaths of nerve cells is being operated at the Swiss Light Source (SLS), at the Paul Scherrer Institute. The research team has reported on its work in the online version of the scientific journal NeuroImage.

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Facility: SLS
Molecular X-ray computed tomography of myelin in a rat brain
T.H. Jensen, M. Bech, O. Bunk, A. Menzel, A. Bouchet, G. Le Duc, R. Feidenhans'l, F. Pfeiffer
NeuroImage, 2011;
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.04.013
Dr. Oliver Bunk
Paul Scherrer Institut
Phone: (+41) 56 310 3077, E-mail: oliver.bunk@psi.ch