Beamline Layout

The SIM beamline produces a high flux of soft x-rays with variable polarization from two independent Apple II type undulator sources. The beamline has one permanent endstation and further downstream an open port for attaching user endstations is available, which can either be operated with a focused or unfocused x-ray beam.

A fast shutter is available, which can be operated at frequencies up to 100 Hz. The open port is equipped with an I0 monitor chamber system, a differential pumping stage and is protected by a fast closing valve, which enables one to perform experiments at near ambient pressure.

Information about fast synchronous operation of the undulators and the monochromator ("On-the-flight" mode) for spectroscopy measurements is available here.
Insertion devices Two elliptical twin undulators UE56
Energy range 90 - 2000 eV
Photon flux (1 keV) 1 x 1015 photons/s/0.1%BW/0.4 A
Optics Plane grating monochromator
Photon energy resolution (EE) > 5'000
Spot size on sample 30 µm x 100 µm (V x H)

Figure 1: Schematic layout of the SIM beamline showing the main components.

Figure 2: Technical drawing of the SIM beamline.