SμS Scientific Advisory Committee (SμS SAC)

The Scientific Advisory Committee of SμS is a panel from presently 13 external international experts in the field of muon spin spectroscopy. The committee's tasks are to evaluate submitted proposals with respect to their scientific value and to advise the SμS management and the PSI directorate on strategic issues concerning SμS and its instrumentation (statutes of the SμS). The usual membership term of office is three years.

Call 2024/2
This call will be handled exclusively electronically.

Call 2025/1
The next in-person committee meeting is scheduled for January 22/23 2025.

(in alphabetical order)

Stephen Blundell, chairperson
University of Oxford
Physics Department
United Kingdom
contact: s.blundell@physics.ox.ac.uk

Pierre Dalmas de Réotier
CEA Grenoble
contact: pierre.dalmas-de-reotier@cea.fr

Stefano Gariglio
Université de Genève
Section de Physique
contact: stefano.gariglio@unige.ch

Marta Gibert 
Technical University Vienna 
Institute for Solid State Physics
contact: gibert@ifp.tuwien.ac.at 


Kenji Kojima
Centre for Molecular and Materials Science (CMMS)
contact: kojima@triumf.ca

Martin Mansson
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm
Department of Materials & Nanophysics
contact: condmat@kth.se

Silvia Ramos
University of Kent
School of Physical Sciences
United Kingdom
contact: s.ramos-perez@kent.ac.uk

Samuele Sanna
University of Bologna
Department of Physics and Astronomy
contact: s.sanna@unibo.it

Lei Shu
Fudan University
Physics Department
P.R. China
contact: leishu@fudan.edu.cn

Romain Sibille
Paul Scherrer Institute
Laboratory for Neutron Scattering and Imaging
contact: romain.sibille@psi.ch

Nina-Juliane Steinke
ILL Grenoble
Large Scale Structures Group
contact: steinkenj@ill.eu

Oliver Stockert
Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden
Neutron Spectroscopy
contact: Oliver.Stockert@cpfs.mpg.de

Rui Vilao
University of Coimbra
Department of Physics
contact: ruivilao@ci.uc.pt

Andrej Zorko
Jozef Stefan Institute
contact: andrej.zorko@ijs.si