General Information
For detailed user information please refer to PSI User Office. Proposers interested in an experiment are asked to contact one of the beamline scientists prior to submitting a proposal.
Scientists are invited to submit proposals asking for a specified amount of the user time. A call for proposals is published by email and on the SwissFEL web site. There are two calls for proposals per year.
Proposals have to be submitted using the SwissFEL Digital Users Office (DUO).
Information/Notification on open calls is found at:
- the SwissFEL Calls web pages and
- by email to those who have registered with the PSI Digital User Office (DUO).
The proposals are submitted to and handled by the PSI Digital User Office (DUO). The proposals will be selected by an independent international peer review committee on the basis of scientific criteria. The scheduling periods and deadlines for calls for proposals can be found in detail at SwissFEL Proposal Calls.
Please read and respect our guidelines for good scientific practice: Scientific Integrity Guidance
This includes that authorship must be discussed and agreed upon at an early stage with all those involved (p. 28 of the guideline). We encourage you to clarify with your local contact prior to your beamtime whether you ask for user support or would like to conduct your project in collaboration with beamline staff.
PSI User Office
Paul Scherrer Institute
building WBBC
CH-5232 Villigen PSI
+41 56 310 46 66
Office hours:
Monday through Friday from 8:00-11:30 and 12:30-17:00
otherwise please contact us per email