Ammonia-fuelled alkaline fuel cells for remote power applications (ALKAMMONIA)

In project ALKAMMONIA a proof-of-concept system designed to provide power in remote applications will be developed and tested. The project will integrate three innovative and proven technologies: a highly efficient and low-cost alkaline fuel cell system, a highly efficient and catalytically heated ammonia processing system and a novel solid state ammonia storage system. The integrated system will be rigorously tested, CE certification will be achieved, and the results will be shared with leading telecommunication end-users. Project ALKAMMONIA will compare the proposed system to the most common current method of remote power generation, i.e. diesel generators as well as to the most common fuel-cell solution in the sector. The Paul Scherrer Institute’s Technology Assessment Group (PSI) leads Work Package 6. The aim of this WP is to determine the potential environmental, human health and socio-economic burdens and impacts of using the proposed fuel cell system in combination with an ammonia fuel system for remote power applications. The primary objectives of the WP are a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the construction, operation and disposal of the integrated ALKAMMONIA system (Task 6.1), and a socio-economic evaluation to characterize the ammonia fuelled alkaline fuel cell technology as completely as possible for a better understanding of its performance in terms of sustainability (Task 6.2)