This project combines sustainability assessment, integrated modelling, econometrics, and policy analysis to find economically, environmentally, and socially sustainable pathways towards a below 2 degree target. Sponsored by the Volkswagen sustainability council, this project will benefit from regular feedback and access to detailed technical data on current and future vehicle production and use. PSI is responsible for prospective environmental assessment of personal vehicles, combining our data on car and energy supply chains with scenarios from the REMIND integrated assessment model to determine how electric, fuel cell, and combustion vehicles will perform in the future. Our results for vehicles, as well as future production conditions for energy and raw materials, will then be few back into REMIND, allowing for the incorporation of life cycle assessment (LCA) results in its optimization routines, and increasing the robustness of the scenarios reaching the below two degrees target.
Nistad, A., Mutel, C., Sacchi, R. and Bauer, C. (2020). Vehicle retire-and-replace subsidy programs – The Life Cycle Perspective. Paul Scherrer Instute, Villigen PSI, Switzerland
Policy Brief
Koch, N., Ritter, N., Rohlf, A., Klauber H., Nistad, A., Bauer, C. and Mutel, C. (2020). Policies to enhance vehicle fleet modernization. Policy Brief No. 4, The Next Generation Policies Project, Berlin, Germany
Luderer, G., Ueckerdt, F., Bauer, C., Delsa, L., Dirnaichner, A., Mutel, C., Popin, L., Strefler, J. (2020). Renewable synthetic fuels and their potential for climate change mitigation. Policy Brief No. 5, The Next Generation Policies Project, Berlin, Germany
Project details
Duration: 2018-2020
Funding: Volkswagen Sustainability Council