Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis (LEA)

Lea Hero

The interdivisional PSI Laboratory for Energy Systems Analysis conducts analytical research on diverse energy technologies and systems.

It unites specific analytical research concerning diverse energy technologies and systems, including nuclear, fossil and (modern) renewables. In cooperation with external partners (e.g. the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETHZ) and many others), LEA carries out energy systems analyses relevant for energy policy issues as well as safety analysis based on Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) and focused on Human Reliability Assessment (HRA). LEA is led by Prof. Dr. Russell McKenna and monitored by a Steering Committee consisting of Prof. Dr. Andreas Pautz (NES Div. Head) and Prof. Thomas J. Schmidt (ENE Div. Head). In April 2017, Stefan Hirschberg retired after serving as the Head of the laboratory since its establishment in 2006. He is now a Senior Level Advisor, contributing to the leadership and continuity of selected activities. Since February 2022, LEA is strongly linked to the Chair of Energy Systems Analysis at the D-MAVT Department of ETHZ.

  • Ingwersen A, Hahn Menacho AJ, Pfister S, Peel JN, Sacchi R, Moretti C
    Prospective life cycle assessment of cost-effective pathways for achieving the FuelEU maritime regulation targets
    Science of the Total Environment. 2025; 958: 177880 (14 pp.).
  • Alaux N, Treyer K, Passer A
    The challenge of modeling tracked electricity consumption in EPDs: an example for building materials
    In: Foliente G, Lutzkendorf T, Gibberd J, Keena N, Walllbaum H, eds. World sustainable built environment 2024 (WSBE24) Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1363. IOP conference series: earth and environmental science. IOP Publishing; 2024:012026 (11 pp.).
  • Allgoewer L, Becattini V, Patt A, Grandjean P, Wiegner JF, Gazzani M, et al.
    Cost-effective locations for producing fuels and chemicals from carbon dioxide and low-carbon hydrogen in the future
    Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 2024; 63(31): 13660-13676.